Aug 23 - Jul 24

Thursday July 18th 2024. Hafan y Mor. The offer of an easy, flat ‘D’ walk attracted 27 ramblers for a circuit around Hafan y Mor led by Jean Astles and Val Rowlinson. It was  mostly cloudy, but quite warm and humid with some light rain in the morning.

The walk started at Bryn Bachau Chapel, built 1880 but now converted into a luxurious holiday let. The old road predating the bypass was taken north-east to Afon Wen, turning after  a mile or so onto the Wales Coast Path down through a reedy area under the Cambrian Railway bridge to the sea. Here the excellent gravel path led  south, opening up fine views towards the Rhinogydd just across the bay and soon reaching the grounds of  the huge Hafan y Mor Holiday Park.

This originated in a wartime naval training camp and was transformed into the famous  Pwllheli Butlins from the early 50s.  As holiday patterns changed and following storm damage it was bought by  the company that became Bourne  Leisure and redeveloped  from the 1990s into well-screened wooded parkland for some 2000 lodges and static caravans and leisure facilities including a golf course, a major contributor to local employment and the economy.  A new £13mn project is under way , adding new pitches, a beachside café and coastal defences.

The path continued along the attractive rocky shore, passing Porth Fechan to  reach the wilder and more exposed headland  of Penychain. It was time for lunch at this viewpoint which features several concrete plinths probably used as wartime gun emplacements or  later as stanchions for the   Butlins Camp chairlift and miniature railway.

The route  now turned west across the pebbled beach and through the sand dunes behind, eventually turning inland past the solid farmhouse house of Penychain;  this was  built by the Glynllifon Estate in the mid-19C as a model farm and is now listed as  a good example of this genre. The party  stopped  for tea on the rail  bridge at Penychain Halt, once a bustling station for happy campers at Butlins, but a passing train’s driver hooted his surprise at seeing such a large crowd here today.

The route was then soon back at the start point near the entrance to Hafan on the A497 after an engaging and sociable 3 hours or so, covering 4.6 miles of easy walking.  Noel Davey.

Sunday July 14th 2024.  Aberffraw-Rhosneigr. A group of 19 ramblers led by Noel journeyed to Anglesey today for a linear walk on the western coast from Aberffraw to Rhosneigr. Unlike the last time the Club walked here 15 years ago, it was a pleasant dry sunny day with light winds. Leaving the cars on the dunes at Tywyn Aberffraw, the walk crossed over the narrow 18C packhorse bridge, turning south down the pretty Ffraw estuary.

The path skirted the now sleepy little village, once the  principal llys of the Princes of Gwynedd. After a mile or so the path led west along a succession of rocky  coves, etched  by the same dramatic  mottled black strata as outcrop on the northern Llŷn coast just across the water. Dolphins were sighted just  offshore. At Trwyn yr Wylfa the path turned north, eventually reaching the wider bay of Porth Cwyfan and its striking little white church perched on an island, and reached by a stony causeway only at low tide,  which coincided with the walk today. The party clambered across for a morning coffee break, admiring the views and the details of the building dating from the 12C.

The route now led inland on a track past the buzzing Anglesey Motor Racing Circuit, established here since the 1990s when the military vacated their artillery site at Ty Croes. Back beside the deep blue waters off the coast at Ynysoedd Dduon, the path continued to  the deeper bay of Porth Castell or Cable Bay, recalling this was the landfall of one of the earliest transatlantic cable links. A climb onto the prominent headland of Mynydd Mawr, at all of 110ft  the highest point of the day, brought splendid views towards the hills of northern Llŷn. This is the site of Barcloddiad y Gawres (‘Apronful of the Giantess’), one of the most complete and interesting megalithic burial chambers on the island,  a 5000 year old passage grave, the site of remarkable carved stones and a conspicuous grassy domed roof, restored after excavation in the 1950s. This was a good spot for a late lunch.

At Traeth Llydan the coast opened up with longer stretches of beach backed by dunes. The rather stark holiday village  of Rhosneigr came into view, where an excess of second homes raises the same local angst now familiar in Llŷn. The route back cut to the east of the village past Llyn Maelog, an attractive reedy fishing lake, and by  a maze of paths through a caravan site, finally reaching the Anglesey Golf Club house. This hospitable venue provided welcome refreshments after an easy and interesting  8.5 mile walk over 5.5 hours in delightful coastal scenery. Noel Davey

Thursday July 4th 2024. Moel y Ci. Election day saw a dozen walkers led by Noel meet at Moel y Ci near Tregarth. It was initially cloudy and quite cold in a brisk westerly wind, but threatened rain held off. The walk led through Fferm Moel y Ci,  one of the UK’s first community owned farms, covering almost 400 acres with a mix of habitats including extensive mountain heathland. It is now owned by a consortium of local landowners continuing to provide benefits to the local community, including allotments, donkey hire and a café/farm shop.

The first 1.5 miles took well graduated grassy paths climbing steadily about 700ft to the plateau near the summit of the Moel. A well deserved coffee stop in the shelter of a wall brought fine views  down towards Sling, the plains of Arfon, the Menai  and Ynys Môn. The route now turned west through the forest of Parc y Bwlch, skirting round the flanks of Moel y Ci.  On the more exposed SW sides, there was a further climb via Tynllidiart to a high point at about 1200ft at Bwlch y Mawn, opening up views across the countryside  towards Elidir Fawr and the Carneddau mountains. Some shelter for a lunch stop  from the by now wintery conditions was found by nestling amongst the gorse in a  wispy grove of trees.

The afternoon brought sunnier and more sheltered conditions in the quarry village of Mynydd Llandygai on the plateau at about 1000ft elevation on the south-eastern side of the hill. The village is distinguished by two rows of 19C semi-detached quarrymen’s cottages constructed for workers in the nearby Penrhyn Quarry, each provided with a narrow one acre strip of land sufficient to feed the family. A lane was taken down to the Felin Fawr slate workshops, once  the site of  the slab mill which sawed and split the Penrhyn slate which  ‘roofed the world’. The buildings now house a variety of commercial activities.

The walk then joined a 2.5  mile section of the  Lôn Las Ogwen, an  11 mile cycle route from near Bangor to Ogwen. This wonderful ‘green lane’ is a level metalled route along  the track bed  of the former narrow  gauge Penrhyn Quarry Railway, opened in 1801 to carry finished slate to Porth Penrhyn. Since 2017 the route has diverted through the spectacular 250m Tregarth Tunnel, part of the former Bethesda branch of the London and North Western Railway, opened in 1885 and finally closed to goods traffic in 1963.

A fast pace soon  brought the walkers back to enjoy tea at the Moel y Ci cafe.  This was an interesting walk of two halves, totalling 7.5miles over 5 hours.  Noel Davey.

Sunday 30 June 2024. Penrhyn Castle – Llanllechid – Llandygai. Today an alternative B walk had been arranged being that a difficult A was on the programme. In the event the A was cancelled and as a result 10 members met on the old A55 on the outskirts of Bangor under the leadership of Dafydd Williams. It was a rather cloudy rain threatening day but apart from the first half mile, rain gear was not required although on occasions it was rather cold for the time of year.

The first half of the walk was predominantly southwards and after crossing one of the bridges over the new A55, steadily uphill. It was then a climb through the trees passing Tan-y-Marian and through the yard of what appeared to be an unoccupied farmhouse, Plas Uchaf, prior to emerging after some 2 miles on a country lane where morning tea was taken. The road then went eastwards for half a mile or so until Bronydd Isaf was reached and the route joined the North Wales Path heading south. The foothills of Moel Wnion were gained from where there were cloud restricted views of the Menai Straits and Anglesey. The grassy route turned marginally south westerly for some 5/600 yards to reach the highest point of the day at 1100 feet. Turning north and downhill for the first time onto a track on moorish terrain which led to a substantial property, partly hidden by trees, Bryn Hall, which adjoined a nearby unnamed old slate quarry. Some 400 yards further on it was left for a further 400 yards or so until the picturesque village of Llanllechid was reached.

Lunch was taken surrounded by aged tomb stones in the burial grounds of the now closed church, not perhaps the ideal place! The afternoon section headed west on lovely wooded paths and sections of small country roads until the busy A5 was reached. This had to be crossed twice and with some difficulty because of the continuous traffic and all for a distance of some 50 yards to Halfway Bridge. At this point the route passed right of the house onto a path with the now familiar slate fences on the left as was the River Ogwen. The party climbed away from the river through a number of meadows before reaching Cochwillan, a 15th century medieval Grade 1 listed property. This was followed by Cochwillan Mill where an attractive lengthy footbridge, crossing the river was an ideal spot for a group photograph. The route then passed below the new A55 and soon reached the entrance to Penrhyn Castle with close connections to the slave trade and the notorious 1904 quarrymen’s strike.

The old A55 was crossed and the route went through the attractive village of Llandygai and followed a path which passed the village church and took the walkers down and again across the old A55, underneath the railway bridge onto an overgrown path running parallel with the railway line. It was then but a quarter of a mile, passing another lonely church, back to the cars after an 8.5 mile most enjoyable walk, over 5 hours. Dafydd Williams.

Thursday June 20th 2024. Caernarfon Airport - Fort Belan. Colin Higgs led a party of 26 on an easy circuit from Caernarfon Airport to Fort Belan  on a fine and warm sunny day, marking the summer solstice. The route took a path northwards on the sand dunes on the western shore of the peninsula jutting  out between  the mouth of the Menai Strait and Foryd Bay. One section led along the beach where pebbles made the going difficult, but there were lovely  views across to Newborough Warren and Llanddwyn Island on the Anglesey shore.

After a couple of miles the path reached the most northerly point. The fascinating stronghold  of Fort Belan stands here on a sandy spit  where the Menai is at its  narrowest  and the tide its strongest. It was built about 1775 by Thomas Wynn, later Lord Newborough, as new accommodation for his Caernarfonshire militia  and  to respond to the threat posed by the American War of Independence. It was garrisoned again 20 years later against Napoleon. The fort now offers holiday lets and occasional concerts. It remains in private hands together with adjacent land and paths,  and  on this occasion it was not possible to view  at first hand the cannon, ramparts, drawbridge, dock and other interesting features of the fort. An external wall provided a convenient spot for the party to sit in the sunshine for lunch, enjoying the spectacular panorama of the mountains of northern Eryri, looking particularly sharp in the day’s good visibility.

The return leg in the afternoon followed the access track south, turning onto a public right of way on an embankment skirting the  Local Nature Reserve of Y Foryd, a wide area of inter-tidal saltmarshes, sand and mud  which are important feeding habitats for native and migratory wildfowl and waders, including widgeon, oyster catchers and lapwing. Near a large static caravan site,  the path joined the Wales Coast Path, veering south-east, before turning back to Caernarfon Airport. This was busy today with many small craft aloft enjoying the fine and clear skies. However, the recently confirmed loss of the site for the Air Ambulance must be a worrying threat to the future viability of the Airport.

The excellent café provided  welcome refreshments at the end of this enjoyable and sociable walk of some 6 miles on flat terrain over 3.5hours.  Noel Davey.

Sunday June 16th. Gelli Iago - Moel Meirch - Llyn Gwynant. Today a group of seven walkers enjoyed a little known circuit  in the heart of  Eryri, taking in the Moel Meirch ridge and Llyn Gwynant. The walk was devised by Hugh, but led on the day by Noel. Bright sunny weather made the most of the spectacular mountain scenery.

The route started from near Gelli Iago on a narrow country lane above Bethania, heading north-east up the valley of Afon Llynedno by indistinct paths, often either rocky or boggy. Rogue rhododendrons in full purple glory peppered the route.   A stop for morning coffee was made after a couple  of miles at a substantial stone sheepfold, almost encircled by vigorous streams. After a steady climb of some 1200ft the ridge was reached below the jagged rocks of Moel Meirch.

From here the route turned north along a narrow path along the flank of the ridge just below the summit, following the line of a fence and the old county boundary  at an elevation of about 1800ft. This brought fine views to the east across wild moors towards the Cnicht ridge, Ysgafell Wen, Arddu and the prominent isolated peak of Moel Siabod lying ahead. Near Cerrig Cochion a pocket sheltered from the now quite brisk winds provided a lunchspot  overlooking the wide empty landscape. On this fine June Sunday, only a couple of other walkers, one a wild swimmer, were encountered up here in these lonely  mountains, yet so near the busy slopes of Yr Wyddfa.

A tricky descent eventually led to Bwlch yr Rhediad at about 1250ft, just below Carnedd y Cribau, marking the crossroads with a track coming from the direction of Dolwyddelan. Here the route turned west, leading down to Llyn Gwynant, glinting silver in the sunshine. There were majestic views of the arc of the Snowdon massif,  stretching  from Yr Aran, Lliwedd, Gallt y Wenallt and Crib Goch to the wide plateau of the Glyderau across the valley. The path led through an area of woodland with groves of ash sadly showing  the ravages of dieback.

After crossing  the A498 leading up to Pen y Gwryd, a  lower country road was followed to a campsite and along the lakeshore. A short spell along the main road brought the party to a pleasant mossy track continuing through  the gloomy Nant Gwynant forest back  up to the Gelli Iago road. This was a rewarding, quite strenuous  walk of some 9 miles over 7 hours with a total ascent of about 2700ft. Noel Davey.

Thursday June 13, 2024. Cae Amos. A group of 26 club members and friends led by Kath and Judith met at Garn Dolbenmaen for a special Memorial Walk. This was in memory of Ian and Marian, two stalwart members of the Club who we sadly lost last year. They were both regular and hardy walkers, and walk leaders, over many years, strong personalities in their different ways and good friends to many in the Club.

The weather was unpromising, but in the event was not a bad as forecast with only light rain from grey skies and moderate winds. The walk started from the village carpark (to be commended for its toilets), following a series of narrow walled paths climbing the Bwlch y Bedol in a north-easterly direction between Craig y Garn and Mynydd Graig Goch. Once onto the open moorland, the path was rocky and tricky in places, with a number of difficult stiles, but there were fine views over the surrounding countryside.

At the top of the pass at about 800ft the lonely old cottage of Cae Amos came into view, nestling on the grassy plateau above Cwm Pennant. This was bought and done up as a refuge by the Leeds Mountaineering Club in the 1960s and since 2015 has been managed by the Mountain Bothies Association, an organisation who maintain simple shelters in remote country for the use and benefit of all who love wild and lonely places. The boggy paths to reach it are well known to Rhodwyr Llŷn. Two walkers in residence welcomed those of the party who could fit in to take their lunch by the fire, while others were fine perching outside.

After lunch Dafydd said some words of happy recollection of Ian and Marian, ending with apposite lines from the well-known poem by Eifon Wyn: ‘Why, Lord, did you make Cwm Pennant so beautiful and the life of this old shepherd so short?’ The route back took an easier track round Braich Garw, eventually joining the country lane back into Garn.

Despite the damp, this short and leisurely 4 mile walk to a favourite spot seemed a fitting tribute to old friends. A collection was made on behalf of Dementia UK at the end of the walk. Noel Davey.

Thursday June 6 Llanbedrog – Wern. Today’s walk was a pleasant circuit around Llanbedrog led by Chris Evans on a bright sunny day with a cool wind. A party of 21 set out from the National Trust car park, heading down the wooded Lôn Iago to walk along the lovely beach towards Carreg y Defaid . After about a quarter of a mile, the coast path climbed a steep flight of steps to continue along the top of a low crumbling cliff. At Crugan Farm the route turned inland across fields, over the A499, and along a delightful green cart track lined by thick hedges and trees. This eventually reached a junction near Wern Fawr where it was time for a panad.

The walk then took a path south across a peaceful stretch of rich grassland fields, recently cut for hay. These are the site of a contentious proposal for the Lôn Pin solar farm, now awaiting a planning decision. Wern Newydd, site of a clay pigeon Shooting School and a small caravan site, would directly overlook this development. Here a path through heather and bracken cut along a narrow valley in the low hills north of Llanbedrog, reaching the main village street by the school. A few hundred yards west the route turned off onto a lovely, wooded path winding down to a deep ravine commanded by the sites of prehistoric forts on crags either side of the road from Llanbedrog to Abersoch.

The walk then made for the headland of Mynydd Tir y  Cwmwd, taking another attractive path  through a wild woodland area. A gentle climb through open gorse land brought the party to the summit at about 400ft to enjoy a picnic lunch with a magnificent sunlit backdrop of the sea and surrounding countryside. The descent followed wooded paths through the restored ‘Winllan’ at Plas Glyn y Weddw, eventually reaching the amphitheatre and spectacular new café beside the art gallery.

This was a most enjoyable outing of just over 5 miles over 4 hours with about 1000ft of gentle ascent. Noel Davey.

Sunday June 2nd, 2024.

Sunday 2 June 2024. Criccieth – Pentrefelin Circular (B-Grade). Being that there was an A walk on the programme, Dafydd Williams and Jean Norton at short notice volunteered to lead an alternative 8-mile B walk on a beautiful June morning accompanied by 3 other club members.

The group set off from the Blue China tea shop on the sea front and along the promenade and to the rear of the popular Dylan’s restaurant taking the path alongside the railway track heading towards Porthmadog. This was followed as far as the old Black Rock railway halt where the path goes right for a short distance and then east uphill passing Penrhyn Farm. This farmhouse was derelict for some years but has now been nicely renovated with the addition of riding stables. Another old property “Tripp” was then passed on the left, at one time a path opposite led steeply and somewhat dangerously down to Black Rock sands/caves. A short distance further on the path joined the Wern to Black Rock sands road, where it was left and steeply uphill for some 300 yards until Treflys (St Michael’s) church was reached.

A welcome 20-minute break was taken for morning coffee before the country road towards Wern bridge was followed with frequent stops on this winding road to avoid cars heading to the beach. On reaching Wern the busy A497 was crossed towards the mansion and immediately left after passing beneath the bridge on an initially uphill footpath. This meandered pleasantly through the Wern estate emerging after half a mile onto a footpath leading from Penmorfa to Pentrefelin.

Lunch was taken in the shade on convenient stone “seats” and it was then towards Pentrefelin where on the outskirts we called at the house of a lady member who has recently had a new hip.

Joining the A497 it was right at the village cenotaph towards Criccieth and immediately on passing Plas Gwyn, a nursing home, it was left and down the drive of Ystumllyn. This is a rambling Grade11 listed mansion from the late 16C which was significantly extended in the 18C. The footpath continued south through the grounds towards the sea and, after passing through some prominent cattle sheds, then passes through meadowland prior to reaching the railway line and the outward route.

It was then but a short distance to our cars on the promenade to complete a pleasant 8 mile walk over 4.5 hours at a leisurely pace. Dafydd Williams.

Maesglase, Maen Du & Craig Rhiw-erch (A-Grade). A dozen ramblers led by Adrian Thomas enjoyed a great day walking the magnificent circuit from Dinas Mawddwy to Maesglase. This great curve of grassy hills is a familiar sight to the south of the A470 coming down from Bwlch Oerddrws.   The Club had not walked here for 15 years and then with a different approach from Aberllefenni via Waun Oer.

The day was warm, dry and sunny with a pleasant cooling breeze. Visibility was excellent. On leaving the village, the first job was to cross the A470, particularly busy today with the Red Bull Hardline Mountain Bike Race on the trails to the north. A forest path soon took the party climbing steadily in refreshing shade, leaving the roar of the main road below. After some 500ft of ascent, the route came out onto open moor, tracking along the flank of Foel Dinas by a narrow and often difficult path through gorse, heather bilberries and bracken. The deep glaciated cwm of Maesglase came into full view fringed at its head by precipitous crags riven by two plunging waterfalls.

A stop for a panad gave an opportunity to enjoy the view across Cwm Cerist to Foel Benddin, its rounded slopes striking with purple rhododendron; Glasgwm and the sharp peak of Aran Fawddwy rose behind.  The path eased west at Bwlch Siglen, then climbing north above the precipitous walls of Craig Maesglase.  The headwaters of Nant Maesglase commanded by a boss of rock just above the northernmost falls provided an idyllic spot for lunch at about 1700ft.

A relatively easy grass path through more bilberries then ascended to the three main grassy summits of Maesglase, Maen Du and Craig Rhiwerch, all in the region of  2200ft height, forming more of a plateau;  while not particularly distinguished in themselves, they  offered a spectacular prospect across the mountains of mid-Wales, from  the Cadair Ridge, the Arans and Arenigs nearby, to the  rugged  heart of Eryri in the north, the Berwyns in the east and the limitless green hills rolling to the south.

A very steep grassy descent down the northern flank followed close to a fence, skirting Moel Cwm yr Eglwys and eventually reaching the floor of the valley at Tyn y Celyn where a hospitable farmwife offered a friendly chat and water refills. A dash back across the A470 took the route onto a pleasant back lane and wooded track leading back to Dinas Mawddwy.

This was a first class walk in a magnificent landscape at its best, covering some 8-8.5 miles and 3000ft of ascent over 6.5hours.    Noel Davey

Thursday May 23 Faenol - Felinheli. A damp, grey day greeted a party of 18 led by Miriam Heald for today’s walk, but the sombre sky and light drizzle seemed to accentuate the astonishingly vivid greens of the woods and fields of Parc Faenol which was the venue. This area was the township or ‘Maenol’ of the bishops of Bangor till the Reformation. It was acquired by the Assheton-Smith family from the 18C, who after the Napoleonic Wars made the deerpark and began the harbour at Port Dinorwic (Felinheli) to serve the enormous Dinorwic slate quarries at Llanberis. Now the grounds and estate farm are managed by the National Trust.

The route started from the western edge of the Menai Business Park and plunged straight onto muddy paths leading through the somewhat wild and neglected Vaynol Wood. This came to a gloomy but impressive Gothic mausoleum built by Henry Kennedy in 1878, now shrouded by straggly yews and crowded out by other trees. There was a pause for coffee at some rustic picnic tables. The route joined a section of the Wales Coast Path continuing through Penlan Covert where another small former estate building was engulfed by a strange graveyard of abandoned cars and trucks and other relics. The path reached the Menai shore at the old Boathouse, now a private house, and a small dock opposite Plas Newydd on the Anglesey side. The walk continued south along the shore, alongside the enormous Deer Park wall, through a long stretch of pleasant woods and meadows grazed by sheep and their lambs. Eventually the boundary gate was reached leading into the modern Watkin Jones housing development in Felinheli.

An interesting walk beside the old quays brought the party to the Swellies café for a well-earned lunch on their picnic tables. The afternoon route retraced the path along the shore, continuing to Bath Cottage and straight back to the start point via the mausoleum. Despite the damp and gloom, this was an enjoyable and sociable walk of some 5 miles over 4 hours over easy flat terrain. Noel Davey.

Sunday 19th May 2024.

Llanfrothen. C Walk. Being that there was a strenuous A walk on the programme, Dafydd Williams and Jean Norton volunteered to lead an alternative C walk. This commenced from the Garreg, Llanfrothen village Centre café/cum shop on a beautiful summer’s day and for the second Sunday in succession there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. There were six members in attendance who set off towards Beddgelert and soon passed the unique village cenotaph followed by the “Ring”, a popular village hostelry for many years. Mainly due to the epidemic this closed for a period but thanks to the efforts of the local community it has recently re-opened.

Shortly after passing the “Ring” the route turned right on to the Croesor road past Plas Brondanw, of Clough Williams-Ellis fame, which was followed for some 400 yards before a right 90% turn followed by a U turn onto a forest track which led northwards parallel to the road. It was then a consistent climb past Garreg Fawr and Hafodty in the trees, for approximately 1.25 miles before the road leading from Croesor eastwards to Maentwrog was reached, at which stage a coffee break was taken. Resuming, it was right towards Maentwrog with the Moelwyni range towering above us and southwards outstanding views of the Cardigan Bay coastline and after a good half mile a footpath to the right was taken. This led through a delightful, wooded area and we lunched on convenient rocks and tree stumps close to Hendre Gwenllian.

Having passed Tyddyn Gwyn, which has a recently erected new farmhouse, it was gratifying to note that two new stiles have been erected to replace the former difficult ones. Having reached the Wern Estate it was across three large meadows until Wern Farm and the historic Manor dating from the 16C was reached. A short distance further on a right turn was taken onto a rough up-hill path through the woods and arriving back above the village. It was then a short up-hill stint to reach Clough Williams-Ellis’ folly. This was built by the man himself at the start of WW1 (1914) with funds given to him on his wedding by fellow officers in the Welsh Guards. This is basically a small stone-built tower with three floors surrounded by trees and from there it was but a short distance to regain the outward path and back to our cars.

The walk was 6+ miles over 4 hours at a leisurely sensible pace in keeping with the temperature. Much to the walkers’ disappointment the café had just closed! Dafydd Williams.

Tyrrau Mawr. A Walk. The Club does this splendid walk, it seems, every five years or so, climbing the 'great towers' of the Tyrrau Mawr, a ridge extending to the seaward side of Cadair Idris. On this occasion a dozen led by Sally Kettle and Debbie Lucas drove up the steep, narrow and winding road through woods from Arthog to the start point at Llynnau Cregennan, quite a challenge in itself. These charming lakes at 800ft elevation are a popular destination, especially among fishermen.

The day was dry and sunny with good visibility and a light breeze. The walk set out in an easterly direction along the north side of the larger lake, continuing via Nant yr Gwyrddail to join a metalled section of the ancient upland trackway of Ffordd Ddu that leads from the coast down to Dolgellau. After a mile or so, the party turned off into a walled enclosure used as a sheepfold. Following a stop for a panad, there was a steep ascent to join the Pony Path, a well-made gravel track with stone steps that forms the most popular route up Cadair Idris. After half a mile, the party turned off west along the ridge at Rhiw Gwredydd, climbing steadily past cairns at Carnedd Lwyd and onto the grassy tump of Tyrrau Mawr itself, at 2230 feet the highest point of the day.

There were magnificent views north across the Mawddach to Diffwys in the Rhinogyyd, while Barmouth itself was shrouded in a narrow belt of white ‘haar’ (cold sea fog) fringing the coast, leaving the Llŷn fully clear in the distance. One of the walkers took the steep Cambrian Way route here straight down to Hafotty Bach to be home in time for the football. A tiring roller coaster down and then up again along the ridge brought the main party onto the long, exposed curve of Craig y Llyn.

A late lunch was taken on a rocky outcrop providing a wonderful panorama south and east back to Pen y Gadair, to the Tarren Hills and down Dyffryn Dysynni. At Twll yr Ogof there was a large, dishevelled cairn, perched high above the tarn of Llyn Cyri. The route skirted the forest at Braich Ddu, gently descending Craig Cwm Llwyd and eventually regaining the ancient trackway of the Ffordd Ddu. This led back to the Cregennan lakes, offering impressive views of the screes and crags of the ‘Tyrrau’ just climbed.

This was a great walk of some 11.5 miles length with a cumulative ascent of 3200ft over 7 hours. Noel Davey.

Thursday 9 May 2024. Pwllheli circular via Y Garn. Today’s circular walk in Pwllheli was probably the first this year when the sun shone on our backs from start to finish! 26 ramblers assembled at Plas Heli car park on a lovely May day in the beautiful sunshine without a cloud in the sky, with the walk being led by Meri Evans.

The walkers soon joined the A497 and went towards the town centre and then right at the Asda roundabout and immediately left towards the church. Just short of the church a narrow extremely steep lane was taken northwards which emerged at the old Pwllheli School but now a College. Almost immediately a path was taken left leading to a rocky and in some places difficult route to the summit of Y Garn. This vantage point afforded a birds eye view of the town which is spreadeagled below and also good views south down the west coast as far as Towyn/Aberdovey.

The path down westwards was ignored and the access route up was retraced and it was then west and soon through Penmaen, a large bedraggled country house, with its outbuildings converted into dwellings. On the extreme west end of Lleyn Street there was a pause at the roadside old well where the words of Albert Evans Jones, a celebrated local welsh poet, bardic name, Cynan are inscribed. “Does dim wna f’enaid blin yn iach. Ond dwr o Ffynnon Felin Bach”. Emerging onto the Pwllheli-Efail-Newydd road, the A497, the path towards Pwllheli was followed which runs alongside the A497 and was crossed at the old turnpike roundabout. It was then south to the golf course and the coastal path going left towards the West End where lunch was taken in the seated semi-circle facing Cardiff Road.

The route continued towards South Beach and on the coastal path until within sight of Gimlet Rock, the path then went left through and behind Morfa Garreg housing estate and after some meandering the Railway Station was reached. It was then merely a 10 minute stroll along the causeway and past the Marina, full of expensive boats, to rejoin the outward route and back to Plas Heli. Some 10 walkers quenched their thirst at the welcoming Plas Heli café/bar after having walked some 6.5 miles over 3.5 hours at a leisurely enjoyable pace. Dafydd Williams.

Sunday May 5th 2024. Talsarnau Circuit. A dozen ramblers led by Gwynfor Jones met at Talsarnau, near Harlech,  for a delightful walk in the hills of Ardudwy. It was, at last, a fine sunny and warm spring day with light winds. The walk first went down to the coast at Glastraeth and headed north along the Wales Coast Path (or rather the more convenient track alongside) fringing a green expanse of saltmarsh criss-crossed by a mesh of rivulets. The uninhabited but private isle of  Ynys Giftan lay close by within the broad Dwyryd Estuary, accessible by a public right of way at low tide. The colourful  domes and spires of Clough’s Portmeirion sparkled beyond on the far shore.

Near Bryn Glas the route crossed the A496 at Llandecwyn, climbing 500ft up a dry grassy valley leading to Llyn Tecwyn Uchaf, a reservoir that feeds the Llŷn’s water supply system. The main feature here is the line of massive pylons marching up towards Trawsfynydd, a reminder that 10 of these lower down across the estuary to Minfordd are being removed bringing a great visual benefit to the landscape, though at vast cost. After a coffee stop beside the reservoir, a  nearby hill at 700ft, the highest point of the day, provided a magnificent view across the Dwyryd right down the peninsula. A track led south down to the superbly sited,  simple  church of St Tecwyn, of ancient origin though rebuilt in the 19C. A  lane continued  past Plas Llandecwyn, an interesting listed 17C house, reaching the attractive tree  shrouded Llyn Tecwyn Isaf. Further on, there were lovely paths through the lovely ancient oak woodlands of Ceunant Coch and Coed Garth Byr, alight with bright green spring leaves and thick moss in the dappled sunshine.

An open promontory provided a wonderful spot for lunch with far-reaching views across Tremadoc Bay and south to the castle at Harlech. The route then cut through the hamlet of Soar, descending via  Black Wood to the coastal plain at Glan y Wern. From here the Coast Path was again followed back to Talsarnau. This was a splendid day out covering an easy 8-9 miles over 5-6 hours with 1700ft of ascent, rounded off by refreshments at Talsarnau’s Ship Aground pub.  Noel Davey

Thursday April 25th 2024. Peacock Walk- Bontnewydd - Waunfawr. Today’s walk was a circuit from Bontnewydd via Waunfawr led by Tecwyn Williams. 18 members joined the walk. It was a dry day of bright cloud and a moderate breeze. The group started from a layby near Gipsy Wood, taking a pleasant country lane south east. This forms part of the Lôn Gwyrfai, a multipurpose leisure route extending to Beddgelert.

The route initially passed through rich wooded farmland dotted with some fine country residences such as Bodwyn and Castellmai. A little further on Plas Glan yr Afon, a now somewhat dilapidated house of 17C origin, a clutter of barns and outbuildings, featured an intriguing collection of wildly screeching peacocks, strutting about, displaying their colourful fans and perching on the rooftops of surrounding barns. This was also pony country: nearly all the fields stretching to Waunfawr seem to be grazed by horses of all sizes and colours. The route went through the substantial premises of Snowdonia Riding Stables which offer pony trekking and the chance to ‘See Snowdonia from the Saddle’. There was then a road section through the village of Waunfawr, crossing a bridge over the Afon Gwyrfai and passing Tafarn Snowdonia Parc. A wooded country lane now climbed steeply west past Parc Dudley, a nature reserve in a former 19C quarry site recently improved with tree planting and access paths.

There was a stop for lunch in an open spot at 700ft in an area of ancient stones, walls and hut circles with fine views down to the Arfon plain and Ynys Môn. The afternoon leg formed something of a figure of eight, cutting back across fields and through the delightful wooded valley of the Afon Gwyrfai. There were some lovely walled paths here amid park-like groves of mature trees and wonderful arrays of spring flowers, bluebells, stitchwort, wild garlic, wood anemone and primroses. At Dol Pandy Farm the route reached the outskirts of Bontnewydd. This ‘Peacock Walk’ was a most enjoyable outing of some 7miles over 4.5 hours in some lovely and infrequently visited countryside. Noel Davey.

Sunday April 21 2024. Croesor-Moelwyn Bach. Adrian Thomas led 9 walkers on a circuit of the Moelwyns from Croesor. It was a bright dry day with light cloud and less wind than of late. Visibility was good. The party set out on the valley track along Cwm Croesor, crossing a footbridge over the Afon Croesor about half way onto a narrow hillside path. On a rugged section a large sign confirmed that this was indeed a footpath. After about a mile and 1000ft of climbing under the screes of Cnicht this reached Llyn Cwm y Foel in time for a morning coffee stop.

From here there was a magnificent view down this classic glacial U-shaped valley to Penrhyn and the Llŷn Peninsula beyond. A dam and reservoir were built here in 1904 to generate hydropower, fell into disrepair in the 1950s, but were restored as a modern 500kW hydro scheme in 1999. A lonely building at Canolfan Blaencwm in the valley below houses the turbine, but was for a time a hostel for Yr Urdd. The route then crossed rough hilly terrain past Llynau Diffwys to reach the great slate quarry at Rhosydd. This features a huge field of slate waste dotted with the remains of slateworks buildings and barracks which served the extensive workings under the Moelwyn plateau.

There was a rendezvous here with one of the party who had elected to take a less precipitous route. The walk climbed a stony incline through slate tips and took a grassy path up Moel yr Hydd. From the summit there was a bird’s eye view down to Tanygrisiau and the former Oakley quarry in Blaenau. A rocky outcrop provided shelter for lunch and time to take in the view of the mountains to the east and south, from the Arenigs to Cadair Idris. A grassy descent to the south-west led to a well engineered and relatively level quarry path along the eastern flank of Moelwyn Mawr, eventually reaching the bwlch above Llyn Stwlan which serves as the upper reservoir for the Ffestiniog pumped storage power station at Tanygrisiau.

A steep but steady climb up a stony path then brought the party to the summit of Moelwyn Bach, at 2335ft the highest point of the day. The party were rewarded by more fine panoramic views in all directions. The descent took the easy grassy shoulder west done to the Tanybwlch road from where it was a short step back to Croesor village. This was an excellent day out covering 8 miles and 2600ft of ascent in just over 8 hours. Noel Davey.

Thursday April 11 2024. Aber Ogwen. Kath Spencer led 19 ramblers on a 6 mile circuit from Aber Ogwen. It was a pleasant, mild and sunny day without the strong winds that have plagued recent walks. The route adopted was a good replacement for the programmed walk as the intended section of the new Wales Coast Path around Penrhyn Castle remained excessively muddy and possibly not easily accessed at high tide. The walk started at the small carpark on the shore of the Traeth Llafan, looking across to the colourful frontage at Beaumaris in Ynys Môn, the mound of Puffin Island alongside, and the more distant spectacle of the Ormes at Llandudno. The coastal access road was taken south past the Spinnies North Wales Wildlife Trust Nature Reserve, a valuable wildfowl habitat of lagoons and reeds with several hides.

The route cut onto a field path, passing the austere late 19C church of St Cross and skirting the mostly modern village of Talybont. At Pentrefelin the path went under the roaring A55, with a stop for a panad near Felin Cochwillan high above the turbulent waters of the Afon Ogwen. A little further on the walk turned off east at the remarkable hall at Cochwillan: this is the most important complete medieval house in the area, dating from the late C15 and built by William ap Grufydd of Penrhyn (who fought for Henry VII at Bosworth). The route now joined a section of the North Wales Path. A delectable spot was found for lunch in a rocky dell beside a wooded stream.

The party then climbed and skirted round Marianywinllan, a curving escarpment planted with beeches. The planting and a scattering of substantial houses and farm buildings were a reminder that this area is part of the 40,000 acres of mountain estate that passed together with Penrhyn Castle from the Pennant Family to the National Trust via the Land Fund in 1951. After recrossing the A55, the walkers were soon back on the lane to Aber Ogwen, having enjoyed an easy outing of about 4 hours in the spring countryside. Noel Davey.

Sunday April 7th 2024. Conwy to Abergwyngregyn. Today’s walk was a challenging 16 mile expedition from Conwy over the hills to Abergwyngregyn. A party of 12 led by Eryl Thomas gathered at Aber in time to catch the 9.42 bus to the centre of Conwy. A stroll through this charming town and along the quay included a mandatory photo stop at Britain’s ‘smallest house’. The route then followed a walled waterside path, part of the Wales Coast Path, then skirting the woodland of Bodlondeb Park and the Marina with fine views across to Deganwy, and continuing round the more exposed headland, beach and golf course at Conwy Morfa. Heading inland, a more industrialised section was accompanied by the constant ‘whoosh’ of A55 traffic.

A brief panad prepared the group for a steep climb 500ft up the side of Mynydd y Dref to reach Alltwen and the popular Sychnant Pass. The route continued across the exposed plateau towards Maen Esgob, opening up splendid views down to the coast. It was only now that the most challenging feature of the day became fully apparent: for the next hours the party battled south west into the teeth of gales from Storm Kathleen, buffeted by almost incessant gusts of wind well in excess of 50mph. It was both exhilarating and exhausting, as the walkers veered drunkenly along the grassy paths, trying to keep upright under the onslaught. One of the party took quite a tumble but was undamaged apart from a cut on the nose and a bruised ego. Warm sunny periods were broken by sharp, spattering but barely wetting showers.

A relatively sheltered spot for lunch and a rest was found in the lee of a wall beside Afon Gyrach. The afternoon brought the walk to the remarkable collection of bronze age ritual and burial monuments on the plateau, the most celebrated being the ‘Druid’s Circle’, a ring of large stones sitting prominently on the skyline above the path. Near Cors Carneddau a short detour was taken to the poignant memorial site where 5 American airmen and their mascot terrier lost their lives when a B-24 Liberator bomber (dubbed Bachelor’s Baby) crashed in 1944 en route from Anglesey to Norfolk. The route then climbed to Clip Yr Orsedd at around 1450ft, the highest point of the day. This overlooks Graiglwyd, an extinct volcano that looms over Penmaenmawr, the site of vast quarries that now produce road aggregate, but continue a tradition of stone quarrying dating back to neolithic axe production. At last, the descent began, zigzagging to the coast at Llanfairfechan by a relatively sheltered wooded path past Henar Farm.

Back in the relative calm of the town, refreshments at the Beach Pavilion Café were a welcome respite. The final 3-4 mile leg of the walk followed a relatively easy though still exposed section of the Coast Path back to Abergwyngregyn. There was a wealth of interest on this lengthy route across an ancient and scenic plateau. The terrain provided little of particular difficulty, but the day’s distracting stormy conditions made it both an arduous and memorable 8 hours. Noel Davey.

Thursday March 28th  2024. Porth Meudwy-Mynydd Anelog. Despite an unpromising forecast, 14 members led by Annie Andrew and Jean Norton   travelled down the Llŷn for a coast to coast circuit across the neck of the peninsula. The walk started from the National Trust carpark at Cwrt. The direct route through Porth Meudwy was closed because of recent damage to the steep steps down to the cove on the Coast Path. An inland  diversion route was followed instead to the coast nearby via Tir  Glyn and Ty’n Lôn. The wet  green fields were a lively sight with ewes and their new lambs  A stop was made for morning coffee on the clifftop overlooking choppy seas near Porth Cloch.

At first the sun shone, though a brisk SE wind made it feel quite cold at times. There were fine views of the distant  snow-capped peaks of Meirionnydd and the nearer hills of Llŷn. Field paths were then taken west  in a loop back to Bodermid Isaf and along a country lane towards Uwchmynydd. Beyond Pennant the path reached the north coast,  joining a section of the Coast Path at Porth Llanllawen. The wild coastal scenery here of rolling grassy clifftops above rocky coves and pounding seas was spectacular.   The going was difficult where the muddy path snaked up and down between stream gulleys. A wooden footbridge made a good scene for a group photo. Continuing north past Ogof Coch, the lee of a grassy clawydd provided  a welcome spot for lunch complemented by Easter eggs.

By this time the sun had vanished and the first of the days promised showers set in. An easier path now turned back east inland below Mynydd Anelog, where the unfamiliar invasion of ramblers caused some excitement for ponies at Bod Isaf.  Near Ystolhelyg Bach the route joined a lane running down to the end of the peninsula, already attracting some Easter traffic, and a good pace was made through the light rain back to Cwrt.   This proved a worthwhile and sociable 4 hour outing, covering just under 6 miles and 1000ft of gentle ascent.  Noel.

Sunday March 24th 2024. Craflwyn - Bethania. A bright interlude of fair weather in a stretch of wet and windy days brought 14 ramblers to Craflwyn Hall near Beddgelert for a circuit in the foothills on the southern slopes of Yr Aran. Noel lead the group as the designated leader was laid low with knee problems. The route took a clockwise direction, climbing from the National Trust car park on steep paths through the delightful woods of Coed Craflwyn. The recent incessant rain meant the rocky paths were slippery, but the numerous waterfalls of Afon y Cwm were in spectacular full spate.

After less than a mile a short detour was made to climb Dinas Emrys, a rocky prominence of some 450ft commanding the Nant Gwynant Valley. This lovely wooded hill bears archaeological evidence of settlement from the 3rd-4th centuries and a medieval tower from the time of Llewelyn Fawr, but its legendary significance to Wales lies in the tale of Vortigern (Gwrtheyrn) and Emrys and the release of dragons leading to the victory of the red dragon of Wales over the white Saxon dragon. The walk continued on a stony track, crossing Cwm yr Hyrddod and leading up to the C19th remains of the Hafod y Porth copper mine in Cwm Y Bleiddiaid - placenames a reminder that sheep rather than mines have for centuries been the mainstay of local livelihood. There was a stop for coffee beside an inconspicuous weir serving the hydro electric turbine at Craflwyn far below. A vantage point at over 1000ft elevation provided splendid views back down the valley towards Beddgelert.

A stile over a boundary wall led down on paths and stepping stones across more open boggy grassland through Bylchau Terfyn to the majestic valley of Cwm Llan, renowned for its magnificent falls and the busy Watkin Path winding to the top of Yr Wyddfa. The party took a perilous stone slab footbridge across the river, finding a fine open spot for lunch on the wooded hillside overlooking the falls below Coedy r Allt. It was then an easy descent on wide green paths down and across the fields of Hafod y Llan. There was a stop for coffee at the hospitable café in Bethania, before a final fast-paced 3 miles past Llyndy Isaf and along the flat and well-made path along the south shore of Llyn Dinas, heading in the bright sunshine towards Beddgelert and the dome of Moel Hebog beyond.

At Sygun Copper Mine the route crossed the Afon Glaslyn and took the riverside path back to Craflwyn Hall, with a chance to take in the fine display of local history and archaeology in its barn. This rewarding and relaxed day out covered some 8 miles and 1700ft of ascent over more than 6 hours, including stops for refreshment. Noel Davey.

Thursday March 14th 2024. AGM and Criccieth Walk.

AGM : The 44th Annual General Meeting of Rhodwyr Llŷn Ramblers was held at Capel y Traeth, Criccieth. 38 members attended. The Chairman, Hugh Evans, gave an overview of the Club’s activities over the year, while the Secretary, Noel Davey, reported on the year’s walks and the new programme for Spring/Summer 2024. The Treasurer, Dafydd Williams, was retiring and was presented with a token of appreciation for his 30 year service to the Club in this and other roles. Colin Higgs was confirmed and welcomed as the new Treasurer and Committee Member.

Walk : Following an early lunch Dafydd Williams led 22 members on a 4 mile walk around Criccieth. The route took the party up past St Catherine’s Church towards the former Golf Course, turning west below Moel Ednyfed past the Mynydd Ednyfed Country House, an elegant mansion with 16th century origins, now providing luxury group accommodation. A short section on the Caernarfon Road continued through the Pen y Bryn Estate and along the ‘back road’ towards Llanystumdwy. This took the walk past Bryn Awelon, now a nursing home, but built by Lloyd George in 1911  before he became PM, and later the home of his daughter, Megan, who became the first female MP in Wales.

A turn south led past Bron Eifion, another grand house built in the 1880s by the slate baron, John Greaves, and now a hotel and wedding venue. The final leg followed a stretch of the A497, past the brand new school now nearing completion, and then through the housing quarters near Dinas and the Castell. This was an easy walk over two hours in fine weather which for once managed to avoid seasonal mud, as well as providing a good opportunity for members to chat. 8 of the party ended up at Tir a Môr café for some tea.  Noel Davey

Sunday March 10th 2024. Glyders. Ten walkers led by Gareth turned out for a day on the Glyders. This was a case of ‘third time lucky’ as two previous attempts in the last year were cancelled due to weather conditions. It was not particularly promising this time either with mist, drizzle and poor visibility forecast. Certainly, it was damp and there were few views to be had above 2000ft, but the wind and rain were lighter than expected.

The party set out from the first free layby in Conway just beyond Penygwryd and climbed fairly briskly the 1.5 miles/450ft up to Pen y Pass on the easy stone steps. From there they took the ‘Red Dot’ route climbing north some 2000ft directly to Glyder Fawr. The eponymous splashes of purplish paint are now spasmodic and faded, but they gave occasional confirmation of being on the right route, if not a reliable guide. The steady ascent mainly on tussocky grass, with a brief stop for coffee en-route, took about 2.5 hours.

A sheltered rocky eyrie on the northern side of the jagged peak provided a welcome break for lunch, kept short because temperatures here at 3300 ft were close to freezing. The route then headed NNE across the rough boulder field of the unique lunar-like landscape of the Glyder plateau. Jumbled piles of grey rocks reared up out of the mist, needle sharp shards sticking up at all angles. Brilliant yellow-green whorls of lichen stood out against the extensive patches of white snow. Visibility was now down to less than 50m and it was a comfort to follow the line of cairns designed to keep the unwary away from the plunging cliffs to the north, past Cwm Cneifion (‘The Nameless Cwm’!) and the infamous Y Gribin ridge. Skirting Castell y Gwynt to Glyder Fach took a good deal of scrambling on rocks made slippery by the damp conditions. At last the party reached the iconic jutting platform of the ‘Cantilever’ rock (Y Gwyliwr) where there was an obligatory stop for the scramble to line up for photos.

From there a slow but increasingly steady descent was made once the Miner’s Track was reached. At 1500ft the broad valley around Penygwryd and its lake swam back into view and a good pace was made across the boggy meadows leading back to the main road. The party were tired but had a sense of achievement after a strenuous but rewarding outing, having covered some 7.5 miles and 3000ft of cumulative ascent over almost 7 hours. Noel Davey.

Thursday February 29th 2024. Llanbedrog-Pwllheli. Twenty ramblers joined a ‘there and back’ linear walk between Llanbedrog and Pwllheli led by Chris Evans. It was a bright day, but cold enough to encourage a reasonable pace on this virtually flat route forming a section of the Wales Coast Path. The walk set out from the National Trust carpark in Llanbedrog, taking the deep tree-lined Lôn Nant Iago down to the beach. This popular sandy cove is sheltered by the wooded cliff of Tir Cwmwd, crowned by the celebrated ‘Tin Man’ statue. After a few hundred yards a steep flight of wooden steps led up to a grassy path along the fragile clifftop as far as the rocky headland of Carreg y Defaid.

The path here the only moderately muddy section of the route. This joined an easy track, once the route of the famous ‘Toast Rack’ horse-drawn tramway installed by the entrepreneur Solomon Andrews around 1900 to bring visitors to his art gallery and pleasure grounds at Plas Glyn y Weddw. The tramway closed in 1927 after storm damage, but a surviving tram is exhibited outside the present Plas. After possibly the wettest February on record, great sheets of water stretched out inland over the fields to Penrhos.

Turning near an isolated modern bungalow, a section of the path followed the top of the sand dunes above Traeth Crugan, giving views of Pwllheli and the coast beyond. The route rejoined the lower track by the ruins of Tyddyn Callod, and passed Towyn Camp, a wartime building, later used as a Council outdoor activity centre. Further on, the track led through the broad greens of Pwllheli’s Golf Course, coming out beside the tall mansions of the town’s still grand, if no longer so fashionable, West End Parade.

The stone benches at a ‘circus’ in front of the former West End Hotel, provided a suitable spot for lunch. The majority of the party then took the same route back to Llanbedrog, providing an enjoyable social walk of some 6.5 miles in all over about 4 hours. Noel Davey.

Sunday February 25th Llandrillo-Bwlch Maen Gwynedd. The last walk in the Club’s winter programme took 8 members led by Eryl Thomas to the wild moorlands of the Berwyn Mountains. It was a cold, dry and bright day, but misty on the tops.

The walk started from the small village of Llandrillo yn Edeirnion, nestling in the Dee Valley between Bala and Corwen. There was a steady climb southwards out of the village on a wooded track up Cefn Pen-llety. This eventually came out into open country, where boggy paths led across the rough grassy terrain of Gwern Wynodi. As height was gained the party was soon enveloped in mist. Falling temperatures created an unusual landscape of frozen white fronds of heather and grass turned to slender daggers of ice.

At last, the summit ridge of the Berwyns was reached at Bwlch Maen Gwynedd at about 2300ft elevation. There was a brief lunch stop in the lea of a peaty bank. It was decided not to continue to the nearby summit of Cadair Bronwen 300ft higher, since the walkers were by now chilled and the mist precluded any views.

The route down took an easier path northwest, following a fence line across Trawsnant and Moel Pearce. The sun soon began to reappear, and the landscape swam back into view, allowing wider views across the Berwyn hills, some snowclad to the west. There was a short diversion off the path to inspect the conspicuous and well preserved late bronze age stone circle on the top of Moel Ty Uchaf. The monumental burial structure is 12m in diameter with 41 stones and a burial cist in the centre, reflecting local settlement of great antiquity. This is also the site of the so-called ‘Welsh Roswell’ incident on January 23rd, 1974, when still unexplained lights were witnessed hovering in the sky and on the mountain side. The vantage point gave splendid views across the waterlogged green meadows of Dee Valley, extending to the less welcome spectacle of wind turbines blighting the hills opposite.

The final leg of the walk cut westwards along a lowland track leading back to Llandrillo. This was a good fast-paced day out, covering some 8.5miles and 2150ft of ascent over 5 hours. Noel Davey.

Thursday February 15th 2024. Llanbedr - Artro - Cwmnantcol. A party of 20 ramblers, on the walk led by Hugh, took the first morning train on the Cambrian line down to Llanbedr for the walk today, starting out variously from Pwllheli, Abererch, Criccieth and Porthmadog. This was a treat denied for some years by Covid, strikes and engineering works. It was a somewhat damp and gloomy day, but a good chance for a leisurely natter, with the added bonus of a free ride courtesy of the concessionary ‘bus pass’ on this winter half term holiday.

After a short step from Llanbedr station into the village, the walk headed north-east along a country lane, passing Penrallt , eventually reaching the hamlet of Pentre Gwynfryn on the road to Cwm Bychan. A turn onto the Nantcol road brought the party to Capel Salem, its interior immortalised as the subject of S.C Vosper’s much reproduced painting of ladies in Welsh dress used by Lord Lever to sell soap throughout Britain. An upland route was taken across finely walled fields, descending to the grass meadows of the Nant Col Campsite, deserted at this time of year. A muddy and rocky path then led through the oakwoods of Coed Cefn Cymmerau up onto the moorland plateau.

There was a stop for lunch in a pleasant glade. Nearby, the Rhaeadr Nantcol Waterfalls were the main feature of the walk: a magnificent spectacle of white waters roaring and crashing over broad tiers of rock; always a popular spot and busy even in February. The path circled round passing other spectacular falls and deep gorges. The return route led back by easier paths and lanes through the lovely woodlands of Coed Aberartro.

Back in Llanbedr there was ample time to enjoy refreshments at the Victoria Inn before catching the impeccably timed late afternoon train back to Llŷn. This was an enjoyable day out in this lovely part of Ardudwy, rather grey, but mild and the promised rain was confined to a few light showers. The walk was about 6 miles over some 4 hours with about 1000ft of ascent. Noel Davey.

Sunday February 11 2024. Y Garn III. Today’s objective was Y Garn, a lesser known outlying peak of the Rhinogydd mountain group, known (by this Club at least) as ‘Garn III’. Ten ramblers, led by Gareth and Eryl, met at the village of Ganllwyd on the road to Dolgellau. It was a mostly cloudy day with some brighter periods and a few showers midday.

The walk set out past the striking black corrugated iron clad community hall, taking a delightful path up into the Cwm Camlan gorge through the Coed Ganllwyd National Nature Reserve. These wonderful ancient oak woods are the richest site for mosses and liverworts in north west Europe. The path led through rocks and trees magically festooned in fronds of green to the roaring sound of tumbling waters. There was a pause to gaze at the remarkable spectacle of the great falls of the Rhaeadr Ddu, in full spate after recent rain. The route then climbed across Fridd Bryn Melyn, reaching a more exposed area of upland heath. Here, extending south below the ridge of Craig y Cae, there are extensive relics of the Cefn Coch gold mines, in operation mainly in the C19th until 1914.

Skirting south round Bryn Bedwog, a sometimes steep but fairly easy path was followed alongside an impressive boundary wall climbing north-west to the summit at a little over 2000ft. The cloud level was high enough to capture views down to Dolgellau, the Mawddach Estuary, Llyn Trawsfynydd, as well as Rhobell Fawr to the east, but the higher summits of Cader and the Rhinogydd remained hidden in mist. Temperatures at the top were close to freezing, but a sheltered spot was found for lunch just below the summit. A circuit was made to the east of the peak, before rejoining the outward path hugging the boundary wall back down. The route diverged to the east through the Berthlwyd mine area, taking a wooded path through Coed Berthlwyd. This area is all part of the Dolmelynllyn Estate, now managed by the National Trust, its modest house developed by William Madocks (of Tremadog) around 1800, but later a more pompous Victorian hall and later a hotel.

The final leg of the walk crossed the A470, taking the noble wooded track from Tyn y Groes through Coed y Brenyn on the eastern side of the Afon Mawddach. A footbridge then took the party back over the river directly to the car park at Ganllwyd. This proved an excellent February day out on a varied route, combining woodland, waters and mountain scenery, covering 6.7miles and 2200ft of ascent over about 5.5 hours. Noel Davey.

Thursday February 1st 2024. Aberdaron-Porth Ysgo. A brisk dry and sunny day brought out 25 ramblers to Aberdaron to walk to Porth Ysgo, one of the best and least known sections of the Wales Coast Path on the Llŷn. Ann Jones kindly stepped in as the leader at short notice. The walk started from the National Trust car park and visitor centre of Porth y Swnt in the centre of the village, turning onto the Coast Path at the old corn mill, a listed building which is under a programme of restoration. The first section followed the narrow valley of the Afon Daron through pleasant green meadows on some presently very muddy paths.

At the junction with an overgrown path to Bodrwdda, a footbridge took the route over the Daron, across fields and straight across the road from Rhiw at Morfa. Further field paths through kissing gates led above the fast eroding cliffs of Aberdaron Bay to the rugged headland of Trwyn y Penrhyn. The bright sunlight picked out a natural arch (Ogof Ddeuddrws) here, one of many rocky features and caves that line the plunging coastal cliffs. The path runs north-east at an elevation of about 200ft, providing glorious views of the coast and sea stretching towards Penarfynydd. The offshore stack of Maen Gwenonwy, a conspicuous rock reachable at low tide, has dubious but tantalising links to the sprawling mass of Arthurian legend through Arthur’s sister’s name and a claimed site at nearby Porth Cadlan of his last and fatal Battle of Camlann.

Further on, near Cadlan Isaf, a rhythmic thumping betrayed the site of a traditional hydraulic ram, a simple method of pumping water endlessly without any external power source other than the energy of the stream above. Horses grazing on the clifftop had turned a wide section of the path into an arduous quagmire near here. At last the party reached the lovely cove of Porth Ysgo in high time for lunch in the now warm sunshine. Half the party made the descent to the beach by the 150 steps recently well restored with AONB funds. The lovely long spout of the waterfall here was in full flow. The walk now turned back inland to Ysgo Farm, taking field paths via Cadlan Uchaf and one awkward stile to the Rhiw road which was followed about 1.5 miles back to Aberdaron. This was a great walk of some 6.5 miles and 1450ft of ascent over almost 5 hours, quite slow and strenuous given the terrain and often muddy conditions. Noel Davey.

Sunday January 28 2024. Beddgelert-Blaen Nanmor. Hugh Evans led a party of 11 on a delightful circuit in the heart of Eryri. The day was seasonally mild and much of it sunny. The walk started from the Colwyn Bank carpark in Beddgelert, heading through the village and then south past Gelert’s Grave across meadows on the west bank of the Glaslyn. Crossing to the east bank, the walkers then edged carefully along the narrow walkway of the thrilling Fisherman’s Path that leads though the Pass of Aberglaslyn, hedged in between the raging waters of the river maelstrom below and the vertical cliffs of Craig y Llan above. Fortunately, the river level had abated somewhat from its recent storm levels and the stone path was less slippery than sometimes.

At Pont Aberglaslyn, the venerable bridge at Nantmor Village, the route turned east, heading through the tranquil wooded valley of Nanmor. A lovely site was found for lunch in the now quite warm sunshine beneath mossy oaks accompanied by the soothing sound of rushing water. Near the slate quarry of Blaen Nanmor, the route joined the narrow country road past Gelli Iago for half a mile or so. A boggy upland path then climbed gently north to about 600ft, passing the conspicuous prominence of Bryn Castell. Nearby, the lonely cottage of Hafod Owen is remembered as the home of pioneering rock climbers.

The descent to Llyn Dinas was tricky, but brought fine views of the majestic flanks of Yr Wyddfa opposite and Llyn Dinas nestling in the Nant Gwynant valley below. By now, conditions were turning murky and a fast pace was made along the easy riverside route back to Beddgelert, beating the first spots of rain. This was a lovely day out in good company, covering about 9 miles in 6 hours. Noel Davey.

Thursday January 19th 2024. Llanystumdwy Circular. 25 walkers convened at the village car park for a short “D” 4 mile circular walk led by Dafydd Williams on a cold and frosty sunny day. Turning right from the car park, the route passed the popular nearby Feathers pub, now in community ownership. Opposite stands the former cobblers shop, the boyhood home of David Lloyd George, prime minister during the 1st World War and immediately thereafter the Museum. Before reaching the bridge over the River Dwyfor it was 90% left along a solid track for some 200 yards before the busy A497 was crossed and a concrete drive followed through the immaculately kept Aberkin Farm.

The path then continued to the coast and alongside the bank of the River Dwyfor to the river estuary and onwards. At this point the walkers had marvellous unrestricted views across Tremadog Bay to the Rhinogydd Mountains and down along the coastline to Aberdovey and beyond. Following a break for tea/coffee the party continued on the coastal path above the rocky shoreline until a renovated house Cefn Castell was reached. This was rebuilt some 10 years ago following, according to reports at the time, an arson attack, and is forecast to be in danger of collapsing into the sea. At that time it was given a maximum term of 60 years before this happened. It was then northwards and inland initially on a solid path which quickly deteriorated having been the resting place for a flock of sheep which has transformed it into a muddy morass. Having passed underneath the Porthmadog-Pwllheli railway line, the A497 was reached and crossed onto a footpath where it was west for some 150 yards until the drive leading to the Country Hotel, Bron Eifion was reached. This manor house was once the country home of a Mr J.E.Greaves, reputedly the owner of one of Blaenau Ffestiniog’s numerous slate quarries. The uphill path turns left before reaching the hotel and after negotiating a wet/muddy section outside the former estate farm a lodge was reached on the minor Criccieth - Llanystumdwy road.

Lunch was enjoyed in the sunshine with the shapely stones forming the estate driveway entrance used for sitting/leaning purposes. Turning again left, the quiet road was followed before passing the entrance drive to Ty Newydd, a substantial house where Lloyd George died in 1945. As an 8 year old I attended his funeral with my father! Just before arriving back at our start point and high above the river Dwyfor stands his final resting place where a group photograph was taken. Whilst this was a relatively short walk it befitted the time of year and was appreciated by the walkers on this beautiful winter’s day. Dafydd Williams.

Sunday January 14th, 2024, Clynnog Hills. A group of 16 led by Noel met at Rock Cottage, Tanygraig, near Trefor, for a day in the Clynnog Hills. The first section of the route was in the way of an inaugural walk along a former quarry tramway path which AONB/AHNE volunteers have recently waymarked and cleared of the dense thickets of bracken, brambles and gorse which had made it virtually impassable for some years. The path follows the 300-350ft contour across the northern slopes of the Clynnog Hills mainly in open access land just below the workings of the Gyrn Ddu and Tyddyn Hywel granite quarries which operated for almost century until their closure in 1947. Some interesting relics of this activity survive. While there are some rocky and uneven sections, the route is now relatively easy and gives some fine elevated views down to the coast, Yr Eifl and adjacent hills. The path then skirts Ystymllech across fields, coming out onto the A499 at Pont y Felin after some 2.3 miles.

The walk continued by a rough track into the delightful, wooded valley of Cwm Gwared drained by the Afon Hen below the northeastern slope of Gyrn Goch. This is an area of private woodland once owned by the Glynllifon estate and now an SSSI. There was a stop for coffee under the trees near the river. At this point 4 of the party took the easier ’C’ route back along the Wales Coast Path which runs alongside the A499 and the old road. The remaining ‘A’ walkers continued to the top of Cwm Gwared by a steep path awash with plummeting streams flowing through temperate rainforest and mossy banks of wood sage. A kissing gate led onto the open grassy slopes of Bwlch Mawr at 800ft. Sheep were followed first north to meet a rough track used by farm quad bikes coming up from the Clynnog bridleway. This provided a reasonably gradual ascent past rocky outcrops to the summit stile below the trigpoint at 1669ft. Up to now the day had stayed reasonably dry, calm and mild with some sunny periods, allowing increasingly impressive views down to the coastal plain. However, a late lunch at the top was rudely interrupted by mist rolling bringing squalls of sleety snow and a numbing drop in the temperature.

A hasty retreat was made south through the mist over the featureless exposed grassy plateau. The party thankfully soon reached warmer and brighter conditions on the east-west Coastal Community Path. Now there were vistas of the hills of Pen y Gaer, Moel Bronmiod, Carnguwch and Tre’r Ceiri and glimpses of the southern coast of Llŷn glinting in the sun. The track west took the party back through impressive, but muddy sheepfolds, beneath the slopes of Gyrn Goch and Gyrn Ddu, past Fron Heulog and down the ‘zig zag’ quarry track back to Rock Cottage. This proved a rewarding and strenuous outing of some 9 miles over 6 hours, with about 2250ft of ascent, offering a range of challenges in respect of weather and terrain. Noel Davey.

Thursday January 4th 2024. Wern Manor. Today’s walk was a 4-mile circular in the lovely stretch of countryside to the west of Moel y Gest near Porthmadog. Twenty members were led by Jean Astles in bright sunny and calm weather. The walk started from the impressive country house of Wern Manor, built in Jacobean style in 1892 for the mining engineer RM Greaves of Llechwedd slate quarry, later a military hospital, then a nursing home and now available for large group holiday lets.

After crossing the A497 the route took a track and paths southwards under the crags of Bron y Foel and Moel y Gest. The unaccustomed winter sunshine was dazzling. There were lovely views westwards over woods and fields towards the coast with Criccieth commanded by the ruins of its prominent castle. At the junction with the main route up Moel y Gest, an often muddy path was taken westwards to Tyddyn Adi, overlapping with the direction taken on the recent walk from Borth y Gest. The lonely house of Ty’n y Mynydd again provided a convenient stop for lunch with a great view towards Ardudwy and the Rhinogydd across Tremadog Bay. Paths then circled north over scenic fields facing towards the cliffs of Craig y Gesail above Porthmadog.

From there the pleasant narrow country lane serving Morfa Bychan was taken back to Wern. This was a pleasant and relatively easy walk over 3.5 hours with modest ascent, but muddy conditions and a few awkward stiles made it perhaps a bit harder than the advertised ‘D’ grade. Noel Davey.

Sunday December 31st 2023. Mynytho-Garn Fadryn. On New Year’s Eve a party of 9 ramblers met at Foel Gron in Mynytho for a welcome outing to recover from the Christmas festivities. Annie Andrew led a linear ‘there and back’ walk to Garn Fadryn of some 8.5 miles length. Contrary to the forecast, it proved a dry day with extended sunny periods, though very windy at times. The route followed sections of the Llwybr Morwyr, the cross-Llŷn ‘Mariners’ Trail’, based on old paths sailors used to take between Nefyn and Llanbedrog/Abersoch. The walk took the track along the western edge of Mynytho Common, giving fine views towards Sarn and Mynydd Rhiw.

After passing the spring of Ffynnon Sarff, field paths and a track led down the wooded flank of Nant Saethon, past Pandy and across the Afon Horon by the Inkermann Bridge (Pont Llidiard y Dŵr), which commemorates a scion of the Nanhoron Estate family lost in the Crimean War. A new right of way replacing the one absorbed by the Nanhoron Quarry was followed north to Penbodlas and eventually to Garn Fadryn, the commanding peak of central Llŷn. The party made short work of the steep path up which was quite busy on this fine holiday. It reached the broad plateau at 1000ft where heather conceals remains of the extensive settlement of iron age hut circles. The panoramic views from the 1200ft summit were as breathtaking as ever, but the strong winds discouraged any temptation to linger.

Descending to the bwlch the route crossed to the minor peak of Garn Bach where there was more shelter for lunch. This gave an opportunity to enjoy the view down to the St Tudwal’s Roads and the great bight of Porth Neigwl, its hinterland part covered in sheets of floodwater. A striking new feature in the nearer landscape below was the brown hues of extensive stretches of reed-like miscanthus or elephant grass. This newly planted perennial crop on the Nanhoron Estate grows to 10-12 feet height and will be cut annually for at least 20 years, initially for commercial use as horse bedding throughout North Wales.

At Pen y Caerau there was a turn westwards along a grassy track, recently subject to a judicial review to reconfirm its legal status as a right of way. The walk back now retraced the outward route, diverging to cross the heathland of Myntho Common by the central route and finally climbing the steep but modest rounded hill of Foel Gron, to savour one last vista of the coast and countryside. This was an easy and enjoyable walk over about 5.5 hours, well-suited to the time of year. Noel Davey.

Thursday December 21st 2023, Borth y Gest Circuit. The busy run up to Christmas brought 15 ramblers led by Noel to Borth y Gest for a familiar walk in this attractive coastal area. The day was lightly clouded and mild with a few showers and sunny periods. The relative shelter from NW winds meant little threat from the forecast 40mph gusts. The walk took the steps up to the lookout point on the edge of the oakwoods of Parc y Borth 300ft above the picturesque village. From here there were misty views of Moel y Gest and across the bay to the hills of Ardudwy. The route then went down and crossed the Ffordd Morfa Bychan, passing the llamas and ponies at the trekking centre. Climbing again, there was a stop for a panad and festive mince pies on the garden wall of the lonely pink house of Ty’n y Mynydd, another fine vantage point overlooking the lovely tract of upland heath below the jagged Moel. The path continued over muddy ground with fine views towards Criccieth Castle and the Llŷn, reaching the somewhat messy surroundings of Tyddyn Adi Farm and Caravan Site. From here a track led down to the sprawling maze of bungalows and chalets that comprise the popular coastal village of Morfa Bychan. A controversial 80ft high 5G communication mast is soon planned to be added to this urban landscape.

The long Beach Road brought the party to the broad tract of sands and dunes at Black Rock for an exhilarating tramp eastwards along the beach as far as Ynys Cyngar. This small rocky headland commemorates an early saint and features the Cwt Pwdr (Powder House) where explosives shipped in for the slate mines were once safely stored. The cove below provided a pleasant lunch spot out of the wind. The path skirted the greens of Porthmadog Golf Course and joined the delightful wooded section of the Wales Coast Path clinging to the cliffs above sandy coves along the Glaslyn Estuary. A short detour to the Samson Rock, a glacial erratic, provided a lovely view of the coastal scene. From here it was a short step via the Pen y Banc Nature Reserve back to Borth, its pretty little bay looking its best as high tide approached. This was a good walk for the time of year of some 5.5 miles length and 800 feet of ascent over nearly 4 hours with a welcome finale at the hospitable village Seaview café. Noel Davey.

Sunday December 17th, 2023. Llanystumdwy. Today Kath led 16 members on a circuit through the reliable and well trodden countryside of Eifionydd. It was a grey overcast day with a damp feeling and quite windy on the coast, but rainless and mild. The walk started from the village carpark at Llanystumdwy, leading through the village past the Lloyd George Museum and, opposite, Clough William Ellis’ striking Moriah Chapel, now being carefully restored as a residence by its new owner. Turning north off the A497 at the cemetery, a track led to Glyn Dwyfach and crossed the fast rushing river by a precarious footbridge. A muddy path continued via Ysgubor Hen and joined the celebrated leafy trackway of the Lôn Goed, leading south to the hamlet of Afon Wen. There was a stop for a morning panad with fruit cake by the railway bridge near the coast. From there the walk followed the Wales Coast Path westwards, hugging the rocky shore, pounded today by grey choppy seas in the gusty winds. The route skirted the Hafan y Môr Holiday Park, now an immense enterprise, born out of the Butlins holiday camp, offering innumerable lodges and caravans. Another major extension project is under way, including coastal protection and a new restaurant, presently taking the path through a muddy building site. Beyond Porth Fechan, the walk rounded the modest, but exposed headland at Penychain, turning off inland into the more sheltered area of Hafan’s golf course.

The large and empty railway station platform at Penychain provided a convenient sheltered spot for lunch. The route now followed a section of the old A497 road westwards past Llymgwyn Farm, then taking the lane inland along the boundary of Broom Hall, an impressive late 18C house in extensive parkland, once the largest estate in Eifionydd. Further on and more visible, Penarth Fawr is an important medieval hall-house dating from the 15C. Here the a field path cut across fields to Penrhyn Bach, rejoining the road all the way through Chwilog and eventually regaining the outward section of the Lôn Goed. This was followed north-east for a mile or so, turning onto a lovely country lane, recrossing the Dwfach and leading past the richly wooded grounds of Plas Talhenbont and Cabin Wood, and soon back to the village of Llanystumdwy. This was another good, fast paced and sociable walk on mostly flat terrain of some 13 miles length over more than 6 hours. Noel Davey.

Sunday December 3rd, 2023. Aber Ogwen-Porth Penrhyn-Moel y Ci. A dozen led by Noel met at Aber Ogwen on the coast to the east of Bangor for a circuit billed as an ’A’ grade for length (11 miles), but a ‘B’ in respect of terrain (mostly flat and paved). There were no takers for a shorter option offered via Llandygai. While sun was in short supply it remained a more or less dry and calm day with temperatures of 4-6C. The walk first headed west along the beach. At the mouth of the Afon Ogwen the path joined the official route of a new section of the Wales Coast Path skirting about 2 miles round Penrhyn Castle. This has taken many years to open, but is now a pleasant woodland walk on a good gravel surface, apart from a quarter mile section of very muddy conditions, still awaiting a solution. Inland across green fields there were glimpses of the towers and bastions of the neo-Norman castle built in 1840 by the Pennant Family with profits from Penrhyn slate and Jamaican sugar plantations. Through the trees there were fine views north across the Llafar sands to Ynys Môn and the dark bulk of Puffin Island and the Great Orme. Coming out at Porth Penrhyn, the route followed the Lôn Las Ogwen, now a paved amenity route for walkers and cyclists running south on the track of the former Penrhyn Railway which brought the slate from Penrhyn Quarry to the port. There was a short diversion along the A5 at the start as two bridges were being rebuilt. Otherwise, the route offered a fast walk along the Afon Cegin through attractive woods with golden leaves lingering on some of the beeches. The route had a rural feel, despite passing the urban outskirts of Bangor. A short detour across the river provided a coffee stop. The track continued under the massive sandstone viaduct carrying the Holyhead Railway, a concrete underpass below the roaring A55 and a striking green footbridge over the A4244.

After about 6 miles, the walk turned off to Fferm Moel Ci, one of the UK’s first community farms, offering a variety of public amenities including allotments and an excellent café, where the walkers were able to access picnic tables and fresh coffee for lunch. The afternoon leg continued on the Lôn Las through Tregarth and the impressive Twnnel Pendinas (Tynal Tywyll), a 297 yard railway tunnel built in 1884 as part of the LNER line from Bethesda to Bangor for slate and passengers. This closed in 1961, but reopened as part of the Lôn Las in 2017. At Pont Coetmor the route crossed the Afon Ogwen and climbed back by steps to take a delightful lane high above the river. This came out on the busy A5 at Halfway Bridge, crossing directly onto a field path via Cochwillan. In Talybont village, the path followed an earlier route of the Wales Coast Path across fields, soon reaching the lane back to Aber Ogwen. Despite the distance, this was an easy outing over about 5 hours including stops, making it one of the Club’s fastest paced walks ever. It was well suited to the time of year and gave ample chance for chatting, for many the main object of the exercise. Noel Davey.

Thursday November 23rd 2023. Cwmystradllyn. Colin Higgs guided 19 ramblers on a figure of eight circuit across the remote upland plateau of Cwmystradllyn. It was mostly cloudy but stayed dry, while mist clung to Moel Hebog and the other high peaks to the north and east. The walk started from the dam at the lake which provides much of the Llyn’s water supply. Water levels in the reservoir were back to high levels after the recent rain. A waterlogged path was taken south to Ynys Wen, skirting the lower foothills of Moel Ddu. A track continued to Cae yr Eithin Tew, turning west via Maes y Llech, eventually reaching the narrow road coming from the A487. An even narrower and twisting road was followed back eastwards from Cefn Coch isaf. A small well-restored traditional cottage was admired at Ty Newydd near Llyn Du.

A pocket of stone banks and walls provided a good site for lunch, giving time to study the interesting string of hills overlooking Porthmadog and running south from Moel Ddu. There were signs all around of ancient settlement including standing stones, hut circles and homesteads, amply documented on the OS map. Back at Ynys Wen, a second loop was taken on a track Wen via Ereinig to the ruins of the Ynysypandy Slate Mill beside the Afon Henwy. This magnificent 3-storey abbey-like structure is a poignant reminder of the speculative ambition of the slate industry and its often spectacular commercial failures: the mill operated for barely a decade in the 19C before the nearby Gorsedda Quarry it was built to serve closed, bankrupted by poor slate quality. The route back followed the line of the old rail track linking the quarry and the mill, turning down to the lake dam at Tyddyn Mawr. This was a pleasant walk on relatively level terrain at 600-700ft elevation in quiet and open grassy landscape, featuring interesting relics of both prehistoric and industrial archaeology. It covered 6 miles over nearly 4 hours. Noel Davey.

Sunday November 19th 2023. Coed Cae Fali-Rhyd-Llyn Mair-Tan y Bwlch. A poor mountain forecast led to the substitution at short notice of a more sheltered walk in Dyffryn Maentwrog. Hugh Evans led 13 on this circuit starting from the large layby at Coed Cae Fali on the A487. This proved a wise decision as the route was largely sheltered from the forecast strong wind gusts and light drizzle was confined to the first couple of hours. Most of the rest of the day remained gloomily overcast, but dry and mild. A steep track was taken through autumn woodlands up to the Ffestiniog Railway, never far from today’s route. It was followed westwards by twisting paths, dipping down where the rail track crosses the Afon Cae Fali ravine on a massive masonry embankment. The route then joined the trail coming up from Rhiw Goch and Penrhyn, heading north-east via Pen yr Allt through dank conifer forests planted around the former lead mines. This led out into more open marshy grassland, eventually reaching the small village of Rhyd on the B road from Garreg. From here a loop was taken to the north across the headwaters of the Afon Rhyd near Ty’n y Ddôl. An elevation of over 600ft was reached near Ogof Llechwyn where the walk joined the narrow mountain road from Croesor, descending along the forest margin south-eastwards towards Maentwrog.

A path took the party down to Tan y Bwlch Station which, though closed today, provided a hospitable setting of tables and chairs for a late lunch. The afternoon route followed woodland tracks winding down past the still waters of Llyn Hafod y Llyn and the deserted picnic sites around the magical Llyn Mair. A circuitous network of paths continued via the Plas Halt above Plas Tan y Bwlch, eventually climbing (a proverbial sting in the tail) to a high open vantage point near Y Gysgfa. Coinciding with brightening skies and shafts of sunlight, this gave the best views of the day down along the Afon Dwyryd, past the slate quays to the Briwet bridge, and out to the broad estuary waters commanded by Ynys Giftan and the salt marsh of Glastraeth. The walk then made a steady descent through woodland, taking in a charming (nameless) little reservoir lake and rejoining the outward route. Today’s outing made the best of the weather, keeping mostly to sheltered wooded paths in a lovely, if muted, autumnal setting and covering about 9 miles in 5 ¼ hours with some 1700ft of ascent. Noel Davey.

Thursday November 9th. Mynydd Tir Cwmwd - Llanbedrog Headland. There was a good turnout of 27 for a walk on Llanbedrog Headland (Tir Cwmwd) led by Meri Evans. It was a day of sunny periods, strong winds and short intermittent showers, including a squall of hail. The start of the walk was enlivened by the presence of Gerallt Pennant and his cameraman to make a short snippet for the evening’s ‘Heno’ programme on SC4 on the role of Rhodwyr Llŷn in keeping the over 65s (and some younger) fit. After brief interviews and some filming, the party set off along Traeth Castellmarch. This lovely long and broad beach is better known as the Warren after the Holiday Park and its ever more elaborate ‘caravans’ in the dunes that fringe it.

After a mile or so there was a stop for morning coffee near the ‘Quarry’ beach, where the remains of a jetty survive from where granite setts from the local quarry were shipped till after WW2. A beach lane led inland to steep and rough steps climbing 200 ft to the top of the headland of Tir Cwmwd, a wild and wonderful plateau of gorse and heather. A very wet, muddy and windy coast path was followed through the gorse around the edge of the headland, providing fine views across the St Tudwal’s Roads. This led eventually to the ‘iron man’ statue overlooking Llanbedrog and the art gallery at Plas Glyn y Weddw, now boasting its striking new shell-shaped cafe. A narrow path was then taken to the summit of the headland at 436ft elevation in time for lunch in the sunshine with glorious panoramic views of the hills and sea all around. A track past Mount Pleasant and lanes led to the Warren beach again and a fast trek back to the start point at Trwyn y Fach. In spite of the sporadic showers this was a most enjoyable walk of about 6 miles over 4 1/4 hours. Noel Davey.

Sunday November 5th. Yr Ysgwrn, Trawsfynydd. . Today’s outing circled Yr Ysgwrn, near Trawsfynydd. This was the home of Hedd Wyn, the celebrated young Welsh poet who won the Chair at the National Eisteddfod in 1917. He was killed in action in France before the ceremony, so the empty Chair, now kept in a memorial museum at Yr Ysgwrn, was draped in black and known after as ’Y Gadair Ddu’ (the Black Chair). Dafydd Williams led a group of 17 on a day of sunny periods and showers, not as warm as the July day when this was last walked in 2021, but still pleasant enough. The circuit first led north and west, turning south at Bryn Goleu along a narrow lane which was once the main road to Dolgellau, closely following the route of Sarn Helen, the road built by the Romans two millennia ago. There was a stop for a panad near Capel Penystryd. A brief search for two Roman tile kilns under nearby mounds of gorse proved elusive.

The route now turned north-east into wilder grassy open access land, previously used by the MoD as a firing range. A track led up to Llyn Gelli Gain, a small reservoir where a Dwr Cymru notice warns any foolhardy swimmer of multiple perils including the risk of blue-green algae causing leptospirosis. A further climb took the party up a small hill, at 1550ft highest point in the area, which the OS map seems to identify as Craiglaseithin. This was the place for lunch. There were delightful views towards the south and east towards the Arenigs, Rhobell Fawr and the Cadair range. The orange and brown of the moorland landscape were etched by shafts of bright sunlight alternating with the deep shadows of clouds. The last leg led back down by boggy paths across the Fridd Wen and Fridd Ddu, eventually regaining the gentle landscape of fields around Yr Ysgwrn. This was a leisurely and congenial walk of 6.5 miles and some 1200ft of ascent lasting about 5.25 hours. Noel Davey.

Sunday October 22 Moel Wnion - Moel Faban. After the ravages of storm Babet, the walk today was blessed with dry and sunny weather with a crisp feel and good visibility. Fifteen ramblers met at the roadside layby near Talybont for a walk led by Annie in the hills on the north-western flanks of the Carneddau. The route crossed over the A55 and climbed alongside Marian y Winllan, turning east past Plas Uchaf towards Bronydd Isaf at around 1000ft elevation. The coniferous trees here had been substantially cut, opening up wide-ranging views down to the coastal plain and across the shallow flats of the Llafar Sands to Ynys Môn. After a couple of miles the path crossed under the high voltage cables and began an ascent of the grassy slopes of Moel Wnion. At 1500ft, near a ruined structure, there was a pause for a panad and to savour the widening vista. A further strenuous climb brought the party, ready for lunch, to the summit cairn and trig point, at 1900ft the highest point of the day.

There was now a magnificent panorama of the Carneddau mountains to the south, from Llwytmor and the Beras, above the Aber valley, past Drosgl and Gyrn Wigau, to Sarn Elen and Carnedd Dafydd. The whole of the isle of Anglesey spread out to the north with a distant glimpse of the hills of the Isle of Man beyond and the ghostly web of offshore wind turbines crowding off the coast to the north-east. The route continued south across a wide grassy basin dotted with Carneddau ponies and the odd walker. The next target was the prominent rocky peak of Gyrn (1776ft), its northern flank hugged by a large intricate cellular sheepfold, dating from at least the 18C but well maintained. Across the deep trench of Bwlch ym Mhwll-le, overlooking Rachub and Bethesda, Moel Faban (1340ft) was the last of the day’s peaks. This is crowned by a complex bronze age cairn cemetery, attesting to the area’s ancient pattern of settlement.

From here the walk at last turned back homewards, taking a moorland track skirting north-east across the lower flanks of the hills. This passed the conspicuous ruins of a slate quarry at Bryn Hall, crossing the outward route and descending a steep narrow lane alongside a wooded torrent. Another bridge over the A55 near the historic farm of Ty’n yr Hendre brought the now weary walkers back to the start point. This splendid and strenuous day out in the Carneddau foothills, covered some 10.6 miles and 2850 ft of ascent in 6¾ hours. Noel Davey.

Thursday October 11th 2023. Bryncir-Mynydd Cennin. About two dozen members joined a walk led by Kath Mair from Bryncir. The day was calm and sunny and warm enough in the sunshine. The group set out northwards on the flat and straight Lôn Eifion, a metalled 8 mile multipurpose cycle track (no cycles today) following the route of a section of the former Afon Wen-Caernarfon railway. After about a mile, near Derwyn Fawr, the walk turned off west onto field paths, passing the looming towers of wind turbines and high transmission pylons, part of the unlovely but necessary modern infrastructure crammed into this narrow corridor between the protected landscapes of Eryri to the east and the Llŷn AONB to the west. Here the group encountered the first of many obstructions on the walk, mainly locked or stuck farmgates blocking the little used public footpaths. Though slowing the pace, these challenges fortunately posed no undue problems for the group.

The route then climbed the anonymous hill of Y Foel where its modest summit at 715ft provided a great viewpoint over coffee towards Moel Hebog and Graig Goch at the southern end of the Nantlle Ridge. At Bwlch Derwin an easy country lane was followed south past managed coniferous woodland. A grove of startlingly large and red mushrooms was encountered here flourishing under a stray roadside spruce. There was then an ascent of the grassy slopes of the ambitiously named ‘Mynydd’ Cennin, at 860ft the highest point of the walk. It was time for lunch on the boulders scattered around the trig point on the flattish summit. From here there was a splendid 360 degree panorama, stretching to the south along the sparkling sea coast from Moel y Gest to Cilan and west towards the mysterious peaks of the Clynnog Hills. Further south the path reached Hendre Cennin, the northern terminal of the Lôn Goed, stretching 6 miles down to the Eifionydd Coast at Afon Wen. This lovely wooded track was followed for about half a mile before turning east onto a pleasant country lane leading back to Bryncir via Plas Llecheiddior. This was an enjoyable, sociable walk in a little known patch of countryside covering about 7 miles and 1300ft of ascent over 5 hours. Noel Davey.

Sunday October 8th 2023. Talybont/Conwy Valley - Dulyn and Melynllyn Reservoirs. An unseasonably warm and bright October day brought a group of 11 ramblers to the village of Talybont in the Conway Valley for a lovely walk led by Eryl Thomas in the foothills of the Carneddau. A convoy of shared cars drove up to the end of a steep, narrow country road leading onto the broad upland valley occupied by Llyn Eigiau at 1200ft elevation. It was a surprise to find the place already crowded with parked vehicles, reflecting its convenience as a gateway to the mountains from the east. The walk set out northwards across a wide grassy basin flanked by outliers of the Eastern Carneddau, continuing north to Pant y Griafolen. A tunnel here takes water south into the Eigiau reservoir system. There was a stop for morning coffee near the modern pumphouse of a small hydro-electric scheme. The route then followed the contour south-west above the Pant, avoiding marshy ground where possible. This eventually led to the lonely site of the Dulyn bothy at the head of the cwm. This well maintained stone refuge was clearly in lively use, judging from the spent bottles. It provided a delightful spot for lunch, basking on the nearby rocks in the unaccustomed warmth of a breeze blowing direct from the Sahara.

A short climb brought the party up to the dark waters of the Dulyn Reservoir, dramatically hemmed in by the grey crags of Craig y Dulyn. A short way south the route reached the twin reservoir of Melynllyn. This was the site of a slate quarry which operated for about 40 years from the 1860s, exploiting a vein for very fine honing stones. Both reservoirs are now part of the Dolgarrog hydroelectric scheme. A pair of red kites were spotted near here. The walk now turned back north-east following a path along the Clogwyn Maldy at around 2000ft elevation. This brought wonderful views of the hills and the distant prospect of the Conway Valley and the white forest of the Gwynt y Mor wind turbines turning slowly off the coast. On reaching the elaborate sheepfold below Clogwynyreryr a rough path was taken south across the Eigiau valley floodplain as far as the remains of the ¾ mile long stone dam built in 1911 to supply water to power the aluminium works at Dolgarrog in the valley below; shoddy work led the dam to burst disastrously in 1925, flooding the village and causing the tragic loss of 16 lives. A flat gravel track led from near the dam breach point directly back to the parking site. This was a relatively easy walk of some 8 miles and 1700ft of ascent in a wild open landscape, little known to the Club. The unusually balmy weather added to the day’s enjoyment. Noel Davey.

Thursday 28 September 2023. Edern-Porth Dinllaen. This was the first of 5 D walks on the Club’s winter programme and was led by Megan Mentzoni on a dull day but the threatening rain did not fortunately materialise until later. 15 members met at the side of the chapel in Edern which was once under the stewardship of the prominent Welsh Methodist minister, Tom Nefyn Williams. Sadly it is now closed and sold and according to rumour, is to be converted into flats. From the parking site the route went back to the main road and right for a short distance before taking a track north which led to fields and eventually to the Nefyn Golf course. The footpath across the course was taken, disturbing the numerous golfers, and reached the coast guard hut at Porth Dinllaen, the extreme end of the peninsula. This is well known to a number of club members as they are volunteers manning the look out point, the leader being one of them.

It was then down the path to the Nefyn Lifeboat site where lunch was taken after a quick visit to see the lifeboat inside the building. An uneven rocky path was then followed at the base of the cliff for some 300 yards, thankfully terminating at the Traeth Coch pub which was well populated by drinkers and nearly as many dogs! From the back of the pub it was but a short distance uphill on the concrete path back on to the golf course, rejoining our outward route, and to the clubhouse and car park. A path at the rear was taken leading west on field paths, one field was occupied by a herd of not so pleasant looking bullocks which were given a wide berth! Edern was soon reached at its northern end and a gentle stroll through the village returned the party to the starting place. This was an excellent 4 mile walk over 3 hours which ticked all the boxes. Dafydd Williams.

Thursday September 14th 2023. Betws-y-Coed. The walk today was an enjoyable circuit led by Dafydd Williams in the scenic upper Conway Valley, following and criss-crossing the main river and its tributaries. 15 ramblers met at Pont y Pair in the always busy little tourist town of Betws y Coed. It was a pleasant day with light cloud, sunny periods, warm and dry. The route led first over the Afon Llugwy and through the town along the A5, turning off along a minor road running south through pleasant woodland to Beaver Bridge which takes the A470 across the Afon Conway.

A track was then followed past the so-called Fairy Glen, a famous beauty spot since Victorian times, in Welsh known as Ffos Noddyn (Chasm Ditch) reflecting the dramatic ravine where the Afon Lledr joins the Conwy. A steep wooded path led down close to the river and then back up to the Conway Falls Café, a work of Clough Williams Ellis, where there was a stop for morning coffee. The spectacular Falls (Rhaeadr Y Graig Llwyd) themselves are reached though the café grounds amid designated ancient native woodland laced with paths which needed more time to explore than could be afforded today. Thankfully, a large hydroelectric scheme proposed here in 2016 was refused on environmental concerns.

Further on the walk turned onto the B4406, re-crossing the Conway over the Bont Newydd where it runs in a dramatic narrow rocky gorge: intrepid abseilers were in the process of trying to cross. A right turn onto a country lane passed the Penmachno Woollen Mill, built in the 1830s as a fulling mill where cloth woven in local farms was brought to be beaten under hammers driven by a water wheel; later carding (disentangling the wool fibres), spinning and weaving processes were added. The were more splendid falls to be seen on the Afon Machno at Pont y Pandy. A lovely narrow arched bridge, lost in the undergrowth and dubbed the Roman Bridge, was probably a medieval packhorse bridge. The Pont ar Ledr provided one more delightful spot to enjoy another river scene over lunch, before the return to Betws along the outward lane. Some of the party then repaired to the Royal Oak Hotel for refreshments. This was an easy walk mainly on paved lanes in lovely scenery, covering almost 7 miles in about 4 hours. Noel Davey.

Sunday September 10th 2023. Clip, Moel Ysgyfarnogod and Foel Penolau. In the first walk of the new programme Adrian Thomas led a group of six on a strenuous circuit across the extraordinary rocky plateau of the Northern Rhinogydd. The day was warm and lightly overcast, with a few drops of rain which never amounted to much.

A clockwise route was followed from near Cefn Clawdd to the west of Llyn Trawsfynydd. This meant an initial 1.5 mile slog on an indistinct path across the dreaded Crawcwelllt bog which caught one walker up to his thigh. A rocky path then climbed steadily onto Clip, the most southerly peak of the plateau. From here the first of the day’s fine views stretched across Cwm Bychan to Rhinog Fawr and down the misty outline of Llŷn to Ynys Enlli. The route next crossed Bwlch Gwylim and over Craig Ddrwg, climbing a succession of characteristic steep walled mesa-like outcrops topped by platforms of smooth slabs of grey Cambrian grits and mudstones. These were an important source for local manganese mining in the Rhinogydd. On the map most of these features are anonymously designated as ‘piles of stones’.

The small lake of Llyn Corn-ystwc provided a good sheltered lunch spot. Continuing northwards, the route eventually climbed the grassier peak of Moel Ysygyfarnogod, where a trig point marks the highest point of the range at around 2000ft. A trough separates this from the slightly lower boss of bristly rock forming Foel Penolau. These peaks provided a splendid panorama of the Glaslyn estuary and Portmeirion, backed by the summits stretching from Yr Eifl through the heartland of Eryri to the Arenigs in the east.

The descent was relatively straightforward, soon reaching a gravel track which took the party back down to the level ground stretching to Llyn Trawsfynydd. This was a great day in this unique and little known landscape of southern Eryri. Just a couple of others were spotted tackling its challenges over the day. The route of about 7 miles was covered in 6.5 hours with 2450ft of total ascent. Noel Davey.

Thursday August 31st 2023 Tudweiliog Circular. The last walk in the current summer programme was a 5 mile circular around Tudweiliog led by Ruth Williams. Once again, the weather was better than forecast, with light drizzle in the first hour soon giving way to fine conditions with milky sunshine. There was an initial delay to allow half a giant static caravan to be towed out of the layby south of Tudweiliog where the walkers needed to park. The walk set out clockwise on a route mostly following one of 18 Coastal Community Paths established in Gwynedd when the Wales Coast Path was opened about 10 years ago.

This led through fields and lanes to the coast at Porth Ychain, then turning north-east to follow the coast for about 2 miles. This is a lovely section of path along low cliffs lying above a string of small shallow coves. Jagged rocks of ancient geological origin form intricate spits and platforms of striking colours and striation jutting out into limpid seas. A lone seal was spotted amongst the rocks. In many places the cliffs are exposed to erosion and soil creep, forming unusual rippling terraces on steep grassy slopes. Bunds have been built on top apparently in an attempt to arrest the erosion; the path over stream gullies tends to be muddy and steep. The hinterland, part of the Cefnamwlch estate, is generally flat, providing far-reaching views towards inland and northern Llŷn, notably the prominent hills of Yr Eifl and Garn Fadryn. Out to sea, the outline of Caergybi mountain was faintly visible. The promontory at Porth Ysgaden soon came into view with its landmark of a solitary remaining gable wall of an 18th century cottage once used by a customs officer to watch out for smugglers and apparently sometimes collude with them. Porth Ysgaden has a stone walled storage compound for fishing boats, tackle and lobster pots, recently repaired with AONB funds. It is now a quiet spot, but was once an important gateway for local trade, exchanging herring for imported coal, fertiliser and supplies. The pretty cove of Porth Lydan nearby provided a lovely spot for lunch.

The walk continued past Porth Ysglaig, occupied by a long-established encampment of seasonal touring caravans. At Towyn the route turned back inland past a large static caravan site and the newly rebuilt Cwt Tatws café. This led back to the village of Tudweiliog, returning to the start point by field paths near the school. This was an easy and enjoyable walk lasting about 3 hours. Noel Davey.

Sunday August 27 2023. Yr Eifl (B+ walk). Nine ramblers met at Trefor for a climb of Yr Eifl led by Annie Andrews. The day was cloudy with a forecast 50% chance of rain. The walk started from the harbour carpark and circled westwards along the shore of Trwyn y Tâl on the Wales Coast Path, past the pier and the islets of Ynys Bach and Ynys Fawr. The sea was grey and choppy in the gusty north-westerly wind. The view was increasingly dominated by the massive excavations of the Yr Eifl Quarry, the basis of Trefor’s economy from 1850 to the 1960s, as a producer of granite setts for urban paving and the smooth stones for the game of curling. Now a huge derelict crusher building stands high on the hewn cliffs like some ancient castle – indeed hearsay is that it stood in recently as part of a set for filming of the next House of the Dragon production.

Next came a long haul up to the top of the Bwlch yr Eifl at about 1000ft with a welcome pause for a panad at the foot of what remains after all the quarrying of Garn Fôr, the smallest of the Eifl group. The climb then continued on a steep rocky path to the main peak (Garn Ganol) at 1850ft. Fine views along the coast of Arfon, across to Caergybi and south to Port Dinllaen vanished as the party reached the mist lurking across the summit. The last 100ft were a scramble across large tumbled boulders. At the trig point there was time for a quick group photo and to ponder, not for the first time, the meaning of the inscrutable metal ‘4AH’ sign.

The path down through the heather and bilberries was tricky on account of rocks made slippery by the damp. Soon, however, across the intervening marshy col, the striking ramparts of the iron age hillfort of Tre’r Ceiri (Town of the Giants) came into view. The two rings of walls, up to 10ft high, enclose some 150 round stone houses, many with walls still 3ft high. The path led up to the site through a narrow gateway on the NW side. The long narrow summit is crowned by a large round cairn covering an Early Bronze Age cremation burial which predates the defences. A sheltered spot for lunch was found just below here.

The first spattering of rain brought precautionary donning of wet weather gear, but this never led to much. The route out of the fort through the SW gateway circled on down to the B4417 running from Llanaelhaearn to Llithfaen. From here easier paths across fields and through country lanes skirted the steep eastern side of Yr Eifl, passing a mobile phone mast at Gallt y Ceiliog and eventually returning to Trefor village. Despite the unpromising weather, this proved an enjoyable and strenuous day in these lovely hills, covering 7.5 miles and 2500ft of total ascent over 6.25hours. Noel Davey.

Sunday 27 August 2023. Around foothills of Yr Eifl & Tre Ceiri. This was an alternative to the main walk (above) which took in the summits of both Yr Eifl and Tre Ceiri. Eight members congregated at the 1st lay bye on the right on the B4417 road from Llanaelhaearn to Llithfaen. The weather was cool and dampish with mist circling the upper reaches of the summits. As a result, Dafydd Williams, the leader, having climbed Snowdon 3 days earlier, decided to curtail the length of the walk as the weather forecast for the afternoon was for conditions to deteriorate when the walkers would have been not far short of the summit of Tre Ceiri.

The walk commenced by taking the path northwards from the lay bye and crossing two fields grazed by cattle including a bull which thankfully kept its distance! The path has been improved by virtue of red topped marker poles and in the third field it goes steeply downhill and in the slippery conditions the leader and at least one other resorted to sliding on their backsides! A narrow road was then taken westwards for half a mile before turning left on to a south westerly path heading towards the line of pylons running from Trefor up to Bwlch yr Eifl. Difficulty was encountered before the path met up with the Trefor route, the former route being inaccessible, and the detour was through dense shoulder high ferns and finally up hill to join the correct path. From there it was but a short distance steeply uphill to Bwlch yr Eifl where lunch was taken.

It was then merely a short mile down to Mount Pleasant where a car had been left to ferry the drivers back to the start. Two of the walkers decided to complete the walk and, after encountering some mist, they were able to complete it safely. Despite the murky conditions, which obscured the magnificent views normally to be seen in this beautiful countryside, it was an enjoyable 4 mile walk over 3 hours. Dafydd Williams.

Thursday August 24 Yr Wyddfa/Snowdon. A few weeks after his 87th birthday, Dafydd Williams once again made an annual pilgrimage up Yr Wyddfa on the Ranger Path, accompanied by 12 other members of the Club. It was a bright and dry day, though cloud lingered over the summit till early afternoon. Starting from the car park at Llyn Cwellyn, a good pace was made on the easy gravel path over the first two miles, passing the junction of the newly improved path down to Llanberis via Bwlch Maesgwm. There was a mid-morning stop for a panad at Bwlch Cwm Brwynog above the reservoir of Llyn Ffynnon y Gwas, about halfway in terms of distance.

Progress slowed over the next 1500ft of steeper ascent on more rocky and eroded paths over the Clogwyn Du’r Arddu. At last the party reached the path junction by the Snowdon Railway at about 3200ft elevation, now moving into the mist and joining the hordes coming up from Llanberis and Penypass. The congestion at the top, inflated by the reopening of the railway and café in May after 3.5 years of closure for Covid and maintenance, made the going difficult and quite unpleasant on the last section to the summit. After over 4 hours of climbing and in now quite chilly conditions it was high time to stop for lunch in a sheltered spot amidst the crowds trying to squash into the heaving café or get their photo opportunity at the still viewless summit. Soon after, however, the mist began to lift, opening up spectacular views of Crib Goch and the winding steps of the Pyg Path. After the triumphant bustle of the peak, it was a relief to regain the relative calm of the Ranger Path.

The leisurely 3 hour descent was a magnificent experience in bright afternoon sunlight of startling clarity, giving time to savour the grandeur of the landscape: the route circled down into Cwm Clogwyn, dotted with silver lakes and hedged in by the jagged cliffs of Bwlch Main and Llechog; Llyn Padarn and the lowlands of Arfon and Môn stretched out below to the north; a wall of peaks rose opposite to the west, from Moel Hebog to Mynydd Mawr, extending over the green slopes of the ‘Carousel’ to Moel Eilio; while across the sea in distant Llŷn the glinting outline of Mynydd Cilan and St Tudwal’s Roads could be picked out. A successful day covering 8 miles and 3250ft of ascent over 8 hours was celebrated with refreshments at the Cwellyn Arms. Noel Davey.

Sunday August 20th 2023.  Cadair Idris. The Club last climbed ‘Cader’ 5 years ago on a very wet day, reprogramming for this summer only to have it postponed by stormy weather 3 weeks ago. Third time lucky, today’s weather on the mountain proved to be much better with plenty of sun and views, despite an uncertain forecast.  Nine led by Noel Davey   made the trip to Minfordd for the climb from the south-east side of the mountain.   The first section comprised a steep ascent by steps through the delightful wooded gorge of Nant Gadair, in full spate after recent rain. After about half a mile at 1000ft elevation the rocky path levelled off somewhat onto more exposed terrain, skirting west to the sombre Llyn Cau, hedged in by the great arc of cliffs forming the Cadair massif, an iconic view made famous by Richard Wilson, the 18C father of British landscape painters.

A stop was made for a morning panad at a perch high above the lake at about 1700ft.   The path continued steeply via cairns, passing Craig Cau Amarch and giving splendid  views south down to Talyllyn.  Graig Cau brought a tricky and irritating loss of height above the  plunging drops down Bwlch Cau. Finally, the route joined the busier Pony Path coming up from Dolgellau and reached the summit cairn of Penygadair at just under 3,000ft (893m) after about 3 hours of climbing from Minfordd.  At this stage there was still mist enveloping the tops, curtailing any views, but the SW winds were warm enough to allow lunch on the nearby rocks without recourse to the substantial refuge hut. A lone scrawny sheep nuzzled the group, transfixed by the scraps of food on offer. The sun came through soon after, providing spectacular views on the easy walk east along the wide grassy plateau ridge to Mynydd Moel. The small town of Dolgellau nestled below to the north, the Mawddach snaking  west to the rail bridge at Barmouth, bounded by the mountains of the Rhinogydd. To the south and east, the rolling scarps  of the Cambrian mountains stretched gloriously across mid-Wales.

In order to avoid the tortuous direct descent down the eroded scree path (thankfully now being slowly paved with steps) , a short detour was taken further east by indistinct sheep paths through heather and bilberries. This regained the main path down through the National Nature Reserve, rejoining the outward route at Pont Nant Cadair. This was a strenuous but rewarding day on one of the great southern peaks of Eryri, covering 7 miles in length but some 3700ft of cumulative ascent over just over 6 hours.    Noel Davey

Thursday August 17 2023. Parc Glynllifon. Megan stepped in at short notice to lead a party of 10 on an easy walk in Parc Glynllifon in warm sunshine. The enormous Plas itself, the ancestral home of Lord Newborough, is now closed and steadily decaying as it waits for the new owner to decide how to redevelop it. The Agricultural College manages the estate farm and some of the buildings, but the former listed historic garden and pleasure grounds are managed by Gwynedd Council as a Country Park open to the public. After a period of neglect these grounds are now being revived. They comprise woodland with a wide selection of fine trees, fountains, cascades, follies and sculptures, connected by a network of shaded paths, offering much of interest for a good walk. The walkers lingered to inspect features of particular note including a pet cemetery with a hermitage (Capel y Cwn) and art installations such as Gwerin y Gwaith, commemorating the Penrhyn Lockout of 1900-1903. The charming amphitheatre, fronted by arches of struggling yew, provided a sunny spot for lunch in the sunshine, while others preferred the shade of picnic tables under the trees. On the way back there were detours to see the small boating pool at the Childrens’ Mill, and Coed y Teras, a group of carved oak pillars telling the story of Cilmyn Droed-ddu, a mythological ancestor of the Glynllifon family. The Black Cat Café provided a welcome tea to round off a leisurely and sociable stroll of some 2.5 miles over as many hours. Noel Davey.

Sunday August 13 2023. Lôn Goed. Dafydd Williams led 21 ramblers on a walk up and down the full length of the Lôn Goed, the well known lane of Eifionydd named after the oaks and beeches which line either side over a distance of about 5 miles. This track was built in the 1820s between Afon Wen on the coast running north to Hendre Cennin mainly to transport lime and peat to fertilise inland fields of Llŷn. It was famously celebrated in R.Williams Parry’s poem ‘Eifionydd’ which praises the beauty and ‘perfect peace’ of the Lôn Goed. This was a particularly apposite choice of walk at the end of the Llŷn and Eifonydd Eisteddfod week, since this year’s fine Eisteddfod chair was carved from a 200 year old Lôn Goed oak saved at Tyddyn Heilyn after it fell in Storm Darwin in 2014. The walk started from the small carpark alongside the Chwilog back road, first going down to the main road at Afon Wen, the proper start point. A previously muddy section near here has now been sympathetically regravelled to improve access. A good pace was made throughout the day in pleasant dry sunny periods with stops for coffee and lunch. The going was easy with dry conditions underfoot and an almost imperceptible gentle ascent, totalling some 630ft over the whole walk, a perfect backdrop for some good conversation. The lane looked delightful in its summer cloak of verdant leaves and grass, lush after recent rains. The total length of around 10 miles was covered in just over 5 enjoyable hours. Noel Davey.

Thursday 3rd August 2023. Llyn Padarn. An overcast, but fine day found 14 ramblers heading for Llanberis for a circuit of Llyn Padarn led by Annie Andrew and Jean Norton. The walk started from the Slate Museum, first visiting the sturdy round tower of Castell Dolbadarn, standing proudly (despite a recent vandal attack) on the isthmus between Llyn Padarn and Llyn Peris. This was probably built by Llywelyn Fawr in the 12th century to guard the Llanberis Pass. The route then followed the promenade along the southern shore of the lake through the Padarn Country Park, passing the now sadly closed Electric Mountain Visitor Centre, soon to revert to community grassland.

The metalled track continued past an area reserved for kayaking and through a tunnel to Pen y Llyn, where the old bridge provides an iconic view, celebrated by artists such as Turner, right down the lake to the castle perched under the peak of Yr Wyddfa. The route now turned along the north shore, climbing steeply up a wooded lane through Coed y Clegyr to Fachwen. Here there were a few well-kept, modest cottages with lovely views through the trees down to the lake and to the mountains beyond. After a mile or so, a path was taken down through delightful oak woodlands. There was a stop for lunch in an enchanting glade beside a tumbling rocky stream crossed by a rustic footbridge. A steep rocky path along the wooded clifftop of Alltwen, 300ft above the lake, eventually led down to the Old Quarry Hospital. This is now a well presented visitor centre, vividly illustrating the medical treatment of injured quarry workers in the 19th century, often gruesome yet ahead of its time.

The walk continued down to the centre of slate heritage at Gilfach Ddu, past the deep blue pool of the Vivian Quarry, a well known diving site, and across the tracks of the Llanberis Lake Railway where tiny steam engines puff visitors 2-3 miles up and down the northern shore. This was an attractive and interesting walk of some 6 miles over 4.5 hours in this deservedly popular magnet of the National Park. Noel Davey.