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Home > Jul-Dec23

5.Yr Ysgwrn16 views5/11/23. On our way down with the 466 metre mountain in the background.
4.Yr Ysgwrn16 views5/11/23. Finally on the top of the 466metre high un-named mountain some half a mile NE of Moel Ddu.
3.Yr Ysgwrn16 views5/11/23. An escape party make a bid for freedom. Looking for some Roman Kilns was the reason. None were found!
2.Yr Ysgwrn16 views5/11/23. Leaving Plas Captain (in the background) in WSW direction close to Ty'n-y-bryn. and making for the single track tarmac road which will take us Penystryd.
1.Yr Ysgwrn18 views5/11/23. Ready for off from the Yr Ysgwrn car park. The right-hand side of a rainbow can be seen.
10.Llanbedrog Head18 views9/11/23. Back to the beach and making our way back to our starting point.
9.Llanbedrog Head18 views9/11/23. Up from the Iron Man on our way to the trig point in the centre of the headland and lunch
8.Llanbedrog Head19 views9/11/23. At the Iron Man above Llanbedrog.
7.Llanbedrog Head21 views9/11/23. On the east side of the headland looking NNE towards L-R: Yr Eifl, Carnguwch, Moel-Pen-llechog, Gyrn Ddu and possibly Gyrn Goch.
6.Llanbedrog Head20 views9/11/23. The first three at the top of the path rewarded by a hail storm.
5.Llanbedrog Head18 views9/11/23. Up from the beach and at the junction where we take a steep path up onto Llanbedrog Head.
4.Llanbedrog Head18 views9/11/23. The group photo just before we leave the beach and have a coffee break.
3.Llanbedrog Head15 views9/11/23. Finally on our way. The storm clouds are coming.
2b. Llanbedrog Head21 views9/11/23. The interview. Photo: Friend of Dafydd Williams.
2a.Llanbedrog Head14 views9/11/23. We have been filmed walking down to the beach Gerallt Pennant is almost ready for the interview. Dafydd is all wired up. On the left of the screen, the club's oldest active member
1.Llanbedrog Head15 views9/11/23. S4C's Gerallt Pennant and his camera man preparing Dafydd for his interview on 'keeping fit for the over 65's'.
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