Weather Station Log

20/01/24Idiotic wind speeds of around 130mph. Over several years during certain wet windy conditions the anemometer will produce false high readings. The highest reading so far in the year will then be shown as highest reading for the week, month and year.
For the last few months the humidity sensor has been giving false readings and will continue to do so until it is repaired.
Any other readings derived from wind speed and humidity will affected.
08/12/21Saw that Monthly High Wind Speed is showing 130 mph. after the anemometer malfunctioned yet again. I corrected the records but of course the Weather Station memory cannot be changed. I have inspected the Weather Station and feel that the problem is with the anemometer not the Station itself. I will need to replace it.
The highest wind speed for month and year was recorded on 7/12/21 at 6pm. 70mph. I am a bit suspicious of it. The series of speeds during that period were: 49, 54, 70, 52, 45. However I have replaced the variables for high wind speed monthly and annual with a fixed speed of 70. I will need to put them both back to variables 1st Jan 2022.
28/10/21Fault with the wind speed gauge. It is recording high wind speeds over 100mph usually in the region of 130mph with wind and driving rain. The trouble is that once it has been recorded it remains in the Weather Station even if I subsequently readjust it. When the weather improves I will have a go at fault finding.
02/10/21Rain gauge found to be blocked. Particles had gone through filter and then blocked the collected rain exit tube. The high rainfall rate is inaccurate and will be replaced for this month by an estimate. The rainfall measured could well be over several days. I am surprised that the rainfall reading of 0.78" was so low given the large amount of collected rain that trickled down over the counter, once the blockage was partially cleared.
01/03/21Replace monthly fixed high wind speed (39.0) with monthly variable high wind speed.
20/02/21Anemometer wind speed faulty reading 19/02/21 gave max wind speed of 108mph. Cause not known. It has happened before. Figure corrected to 28mph. Put in fixed readings on Historical Weather Conditions for High Wind Speed. Monthly 39mph. Yearly 42mpg. I will need to replace monthly fixed with monthly variable on 1st March.
01/01/21Because starting new year and month: At 3pm, removed fixed monthly High Wind Speed of 46 and replaced with the variable. Did same with Yearly High Wind Speed of 58 and Yearly High Rain Rate of 8.56.
20/12/20Removed false monthly high wind speed reading from anemometer on Weather History page. Fixed figure of 42mph recorded on 4/12/20.
19/09/20Fixed monthly hi-wind speed of 45 mph has been replaced by variable. It now shows the monthly high wind speed from the console.
21/08/20Rain rate of 8.56"/hour recorded on 1:30am download. I updated the Highest Historical reading from 2.02"/hr to the 8.56. (I had replaced the variable previously because of erroneous reading)
11/08/20Power-cut yesterday following thunderstorm around 11:04am. Unable to link weather station on computer to database. So nothing uploaded on top website until around 11:55am today. Thought power-cut was cause. But learnt that it could be due to too many years of data collecting. I removed the first 5 years of weather data (keeping a copy) and the software can now link to the remaining 20 years of weather data.
19/04/20On Weather History page, because of the dry weather, decided to include monthly evapo-transpiration readings (ET). They are shown as a seven day graphic and as a 'total so far' for the month. By comparing rainfall and ET one can work out (roughly) whether the soil is below 'Field Capacity' or not. The soil would need to be free draining.
16/04/20On Weather History page the fixed monthly wind speed of 58 mph was exchanged for a monthly wind speed variable. The figure is now the highest wind speed recorded during the month.
09/02/20Anemometer went crazy while I was watching it and recorded 132mph and 120mph. I put in the real 58mph into highest monthly and annual wind speed. I will need to update the monthly highest until the end of the month and then put the monthly variables back in..
07/02/20The monthly high wind speed and high rain rate are now actual figures supplied by weather station. The annual high wind speed and high rain rate are still fixed 51mph & 2.02 "/hour because the weather station is storing inaccurate figures for these.
30/01/20High wind speed and high rain rate corrected for month and year. They being the same. Done by removing Variable and typing in correct figure. No idea why figures not correct. High wind speed 51mph & High Rain rate 2.02 inches. Monthly Variables will need to be reinserted for automatic updating, 1st February.
29/02/19The total rainfall figure displayed on the Weather History page is now correct. The Highest Rainfall rate is not correct at 41.23"/hour. I will remove the data from the history page.
28/02/19Belatedly found that Total Rainfall for year grossly over recorded on Vantage Pro2 and on Weatherlink software. Error took place on 17th January 2019 between 5:30 and 9:30am. I have now removed 27.95 inches of erroneous rain. The proper Total Rain for the year so far, is what is displayed minus 27.95 inches. I am trying to find a way of removing the 27.95 automatically from the web page.
13/09/17Anaemometer correctly located as of 14:40hrs. Pity to not have the anaemometer correct location to record Storm Aileen as it passed over last night.

Because I have fitted a new console some of the monthly and annual highs and lows have been lost and these figures are being recorded afresh ignoring what has passed before in the month or year.
11/09/17All sorted. The wind speed is now being recorded as of 20:30hrs today. The anaemometer is not correctly situated at the moment. Wind direction and wind speed readings will suffer.

A UV sensor has been fitted, but readings not yet added to the Current and Historical Weather condition reports.
18/08/17The anaemometer packed up around the 5th August 2017. Sorting it out may take a few weeks.
30/03/17Outside Humidity Sensor is giving faulty readings: 5:30am - No reading; 6:00am -100%; 6:30am - 14%; 7:00am - No reading; 9:00pm - No reading. This affects Weather History page on website. and Currant Weather page on website.

Outside Humidity Sensor may still be faulty. From Wednesday 29th March until Friday 31st March the reading has been at 100% with error readings as shown above. Given there was a lot of rain over the same period readings like this are not impossible. Any readings based on outside humidity will be affected, e.g. Dew Point, THW Index.

Need to inspect. Repair doubtful. New weather station may be necessary.
23/02/17Weather History. The annual highest wind speed 95mph displayed is false. I think at about the same time as Storm Doris the weather station started recording false wind speed readings for a few hours. The monthly highest speed cleared on 1st March but the annual highest wind speed 95mph won't clear until 1/1/2018.
23/02/17Storm Doris caused mains electricity to go off before 7am preventing uploading of weather data. It did not come back on until after 7:30pm. No readings lost. Uploading did not restart until 8:32pm.
03/02/17Surprised that there are no annual High Wind Speed nor annual High Rain Rate errors. Touch wood it will be alright for a time. So on the Historical Weather Conditions page I have now replaced two "xx"s with the appropriate variables for those two measurements.
03/09/16Wind speed error around 17:00hrs showing High wind speed of up to 93 mph and overly high average wind speed. Due to an earthing error which I can't get rid of. The records have been corrected but Historical weather conditions page will show the error until the end of September, and its graphs until Saturday.
14/03/16Weather Station could be offline until around 5pm GMT today due to repairs. No data will be lost.
02/02/16Historical weather conditions page. The Monthly high for Windspeed and rain rate have been reinstated for the new month. The High Wind speed graph has been put back now it no longer displays incorrect data.
27/01/16.Wind speed error seen for 26th Jan 16 around 12 noon. High wind speed shown going up to 89mph. Actual high wind speed around 40 - 43mph. Error not now shown on Currant Weather Condition s page. Historical Weather Conditions page has had High Wind Speed for both month (until start of next month) and year (until next year) removed. High Wind Speed graph replaced by another Wind Direction Graph (for 6 days). There are too many errors occuring. Time to get a new weather station.
22/01/16Edited Current Weather page to again display Storm total & High Rainfall rate. Current Weather page now back to full display.
16/01/16Rain gauge malfunction 8:30 - 9:30am. Electrical?. False data removed. However it is possible that there was some vailid data in it. Able to reset all but Storm total & High Rainfall rate on Current Weather page and High Rainfall rate on Weather History page. xx placed instead of erroneous numbers.
01/01/16Reset Historical Weather Conditions page. Now shows all monthly and yearly high and low historical data from 12:03am 01/01/16. All readings are accurate.
30/12/15On Historical Weather Conditions page & Current Weather Conditions page: High wind speed figure of 90 mph recorded at 7:30am (GMT) today must be inaccurate. There is no visible sign that the trees, fence panels, roofs etc. have been subject to such a wind speed.

Rainfall rate of 4.25"/hour is accurate.
14/12/15On Historical Weather Conditions page. Removed the duplicate Wind Direction graph and replaced it with a Wind Speed graph.
05/12/15Anemometer has lost the plot. At present the Average wind speed is probably 20mph and the High wind speed is 40mph. Probably the reed switch has failed. I will remove the wind readings from the Current and Historical Weather conditions until it is repaired. Unfortunately those reading which are dependent on the wind speed such as Wind chill and Evapo-Transpiration will be affected.
20/11/15Power cut just before midnight stopped updates. They resumed 9:13am following morning. No weather data lost.
19/11/15Current Weather conditions page now shows wind speed. Anemometer is giving reasonable readings at present. The Historical Weather conditions page will be corrected on 1st Dec for Monthly Highs/Lows and 1st Jan 2016 for Yearly Highs/Lows.
18/11/15High Wind speed error - not 95mph as displayed. but around 31mph. Possibly due to power cut. Error will be displayed until the period for which the reading is displayed has lapsed,e.g. Today's Highs/Lows, will be cleared at midnight.
17/11/15Currant Weather Conditions page edited. Added Daily Evapo-transpiration (Day ET) and Solar Radiation. Removed, to avoid clutter,THW and Heat Index.
Historical Weather Conditions page edited. Added Solar Radiation and Solar Energy. Removed High Wind Speed Direction and Outside Heat Index.
14/11/15History Graphs for Pwllheli have not been displaying properly for some time. I finally got down to putting the matter right. Hopefully it has worked this time. All graphs should be displayed and showing the same dates. This hasn't been happening. A few days ago I got rid of the java ticker tape display as browsers were seeing it as a security risk.
06/11/15Historical weather conditions Inaccuracies in:
Monthly Highs/Lows (November) - High Rain Rate at 11.52 inches/hr inaccurate due to water rushing through rain gauge after clearing blockage (5/11/15). The inaccuracy will clear at the end of the month.
Yearly Highs/Lows (2015)- High Wind speed 98 mph due to electrical interference. Average figures before and after the event were around 30mph (19/8/15). High Rain Rate 96 inches/hr inaccurate due to water rushing through rain gauge after clearing blockage. There had not been any rain on the day (26/7/2015) in question. The inaccuracy will clear at the end of the year.
05/11/15Found rain gauge to be blocked by bird droppings. Used pin to allow the rainwater through slowly. I don't know how long the blockage had been there. All water was measured but the rain rate is grossly wrong at 11.52"/hour.
26/07/15Found rain gauge blocked. It had been for some time. The gauge was full of water.Once cleared the water rushed through the gauge and gave a very exaggerated rain rate of 96"/hour. A lot got spilt. Only 0.15 was measured somehow.
14/02/15Found what must be false rainfall readings, over 4 hours: 4.53", 7.15", 7.14", 6.19". Total 25.01". I have deleted the records and set the total rainfall so far to 3.67". The total on the website will remain unfortuately unless I fix it.
25/10/144pm. Added 2 millibars to the weather station to make correction which was lost on 4/10/14. I think two millibars should be added to all the readings between the two dates.
02/05/10The station has finally been repaired. When I finally got down to it I found it that the printed circuit board had corroded. Peter James, a fellow diver, was kind enough to repair the board in very short time. Many thanks Peter. The board was installed and all is now well. Peter James is electronic engineer who specialises in sustainable electricity production, etc. His work web site is
04/10/14Heavy rain that fell in the early hours of the day went unrecorded. This was due to a reed switch failure. Faulty switch replaced around 6pm. 0.07" of rain recorded in a test. Unfortunately this gave a completely false rain rate of 48"/hour on the Monthly and Annual records.
24/08/14Updating hasn't happened between 12th Aug 2014 and 24th Aug 2014. I have found that the PC connection with the weather station had been broken. I reconnected, downloaded the missing data and forced an uploading to the website. All is now well.
06/01/12Finally, hopefully the anemometer problem is over. I got in touch with Davies and they recommended an optical isolator which I have fitted today. This should stop the problem of an earth loop which appears to be causing the false readings. I need to correct the readings for highest wind speed during year as I fixed it manually.
04/02/2011The old problem with the anemometer. Wind speed recording 96mph inaccurate and due to earthing problem. Disconnected cable to computer and then removed false readings. Reconnected cable 9:50pm 5/2/11. The daily/monthly and annual high wind speeds will be affected, so must be ignored for the present. They will have to be reset.
01/01/2011Everything for the time being is working. The two report templates have been reset so that all the variables are active and no fixed values exist.
22-23/12/10Typical. Everything seems to be working when there is a repeat of the problem last January when the PCB (printed circuit board) of the weather station started to de-laminate and corrosion on the rain circuit caused system to generate 7.25"/half hour of rain. I have reset the data to zero but it probably won't affect some of the rain data on the current and historical weather data pages. Hopefully I can have it sorted by the new year.
21/12/10On historical records have enabled lowest outside temperature, lowest dew point and lowest wind chill again because a recent temperature was lower. If temperature gets any lower the present figures will automatically be updated. There have been problems with the monthly and yearly highest wind speed again. 98mph! I have put in the actual figures and will leave them in until midnight Dec 30th. I have corrected the banner on Current records for max monthly and yearly wind speed.
23/05/10Raised barometer reading by 2.5mb at 11:25am. Valley had been showing 1025mb from 5am - 9am. My station had been showing 1022.5mb from 4:30am to 8am.
02/05/10There are no rain results since Jan 1st 2010. I will get the information from a local weather recorder. Because of a erroneous low temperature earlier this year (-67°C!) results for yearly: lowest outside temperature, lowest dew point and lowest wind chill have been ** out on the Historical Weather Records Page.
31/1/10Silly rain reading since the beginning of the January10. No idea what the problem is. Possibly water has corroded the cables outside. Following the installation of a new hard disk on my computer the Weatherlink program will not up update the web site at present. A small problem I am sure but one which needs attention. In the meantime I will remove the weather reports from the web site.
26/03/09Looking back through records I still see silly wind readings, e.g. 98mph! I have tried to get rid of the problem by shielding and earthing the shield on the cable to the anemometer. Obviously it is not a perfect system. The main problem is that the figure remains on the monthly and annual displays unless I blank them out.
26/03/09Lack of reports since 14:18hrs 24/3/09 due to Web site server problem.
26/03/08Rain gauge repaired - new reed switch fitted in the evening.
17/11/07Rain gauge malfunction. Little or no recording of rain.
21/07/07Because of erroneous high wind speed and rain rate, highs were reset.
20/07/07Disregard the 98mph wind speed earlier this morning. It will be the figure which remains as the highest wind speed for the year and the highest wind speed for the month. It was due to interference from an electricity supply.
13/05/07No sign of problems with rain gauge nor anemometer. Rainfall for January, February, March and April taken from Met Office monthly rainfall maps. The results do need to be confirmed.
07/05/07Earthed shielded cable on anemometer. Corrected spurious wind speeds on database. Cross fingers. Rain gauge testing shows it could be now working.
09/01/07Rain gauge not working since 4th January. Cause not yet found.
04/11/06Problem of non-existent high wind speed readings. Ignore high wind speed 98mph, for November and for the year. Lead disconnected for a few hours. Recorded reading corrected.
15/8/06Problem of nonexistent high wind speed readings. Lead disconnected for a few hours.
04/08/06Problem of nonexistent high wind speed readings. Lead disconnected over night 4th -5th.



No weather reports because of hardware updating.
12/6/06Problem of nonexistent high wind speed readings. Will disconnect station from computer for the day. Actual cause unknown but when station disconnected from computer the problem goes away and readings return to normal.
12/1/06Late evening to next morning. Broadband down.
18/10/05CAT5e shielded cable to wind speed and direction sensors on TV aerial mast replaces unshielded cable. It is hoped that there will be no repeat of 85-95mph winds on calm days; or any other days. There were no wind readings between Saturday 15th Oct 2:30pm and Tuesday 18th October 12 noon while the cable was being replaced.
28/7/05Rain gauge blocked recently. Bird droppings. Missed direct measurement of storm this (Thursday) morning. Gauge recorded 1.29" on being cleared.
During the last yearAnemometer. Due to electromagnetic interference from the TV aerial intermittent false high wind speeds are being recorded (up to 95mph). It is worse in wet conditions. The matter should be resolved shortly with the replacing of the normal cable with shielded cable.